During my prayer time today .. I felt prompted to write this down ... and I share it with you all because I feel it's important to pray for our country. I seem to be leaning towards a new chaplet and wondering if anyone has any info on this?? Is it permissible for a lay person to 'write' a new chaplet? I believe all prayer is inspired by the Holy Spirit so can't say 'author' a new chaplet. There is a lil more to how this came about, but would like opinions anyway please. Meanwhile, I don't believe it will hurt in any way to add this to our daily prayers, if you feel so led:
"Sweetest Jesus, for the sake of those that love You, by merit of Your Holy Passion, please save the USA."
This is what we need. We must join together to get on our knees and pray for the USA. Great blog. Will tweet this entry. Awesome!!