Saturday, February 5, 2022

And Now For Something a Little Different ...

Yanno what? (And I don't care who likes this and who doesn't, cuz it's undeniable.)

I don't care who said what or who showed this or that. Those that still have working brains see clearly:

1. Trump can pull together a crowd of thousands in a cornfield in Bumtuck, Wherever & Biden can't hire hundreds to show up in a major city. How the HELL was it possible Biden LEGITIMATELY won the presidency?

2. Trump got us out of bad trade deals, put America first, brought back jobs from overseas. America was respected again and the economy was good ... we didn't have to buy our oil from people who pray daily for our death. As soon as Biden sat in the chair, he thought it was better to undo all that and let us experience what it's like to wonder if we'll have food on our tables next week and if we'll be able to afford to drive our cars to work so he can gouge us in taxes  while shoving experimental spike proteins down our throats under the threat of not even having jobs the week after if we refuse the jab.

3. Trump was rich to begin with. This made him invulnerable to special interest groups, lobbyists and certain elites who are used to bribing corrupt politicians to promote their agendas. (What can you dangle before someone who already has everything and whose only interest is making America great and helping the people?)

4. He was really making a dent in the very lucrative human trafficking INDUSTRY taking away the elites playthings and destroying their *new form of currency*. The border was secure and it was made well known that if you attempt to knock him over, he will topple you into the ground. 

(This is one of the main reasons he's hated so much.)

Meanwhile, we have the elites now brainstorming ways to have pedophilia, incest and all other perversions rebranded as a *sexual orientation* rather than the crime that it is. Today the horror is not crime or sin, but decent folks POINTING OUT crime & sin. 

This is just the tip of a very clear cut iceberg that's hopefully getting ready to thaw out very shortly causing a tsunami of TRUTH & JUSTICE to pour over anyone with eyes to see & ears to hear. 

These are my opinions. 

I believe they're still allowed as of this writing. 

I will say right now, I do NOT debate opinions, so don't bother wasting you time with hate comments. All that I have said is in the public domain and I can't imagine there's any documentation to dispute it. As I previously mentioned, OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED OR REPLIED TO. 

So, do you want to be able to feed your families, take vacations, enjoy a fruitful economy and drive where you want in the country without medical records on your person ... or do you want to keep things as they are now, knowing it's only going to get worse? What's more important to you ... Freedom, happiness, prosperity and truth .... Or being manipulated by people willing to sell out to the highest bidder regardless what it costs the country & the people so long as it lines their pockets well?!? 

Which really IS more important to you .... TRUTH OR YOUR PRIDE?