Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Years Blues?

Another year slips away and our hope and expectations for a bright, safe and healthy New Year quickly approach. Many are planning, and will be attending, parties with family and friends enjoying ostentatious festivities laden with good food, gleeful song & fine spirits. 

Not everyone will be a participant in these joyful festivities. No. There are many, for a myriad of reasons, that will find themselves alone this night. Many experienced a solemn Christmas as well; which lends to an even emptier New Year's Eve.

This is a time to be grateful for all the things God has blessed you with. Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have food on the table? Do you have clothes to wear and a bed to sleep in? Don't take it for granted because there's many who don't have these things. 

All of us who are alone should use this time well and pray to do what we can for those who have less than we do. There's many homeless on the streets in all cities. Many people who have lost loved ones this past year and are trying to cope. 

At the moment of conception, we were given a guardian angel, we may not see our angel, but just as we can't see the air that sustains us, so too our angels are with us whether we realize it or not. 

There's so much to pray for these days. Of course pray for peace in the world & in our hearts. That folks come to the realization that eternity is forever and our lives are just a fleeting moment in time. 

We were born into this time period for an express purpose. Some are granted knowledge of this but most of us our purpose is known only by God. Everyone has an important part in God's Plan. Some are called to be peacemakers. Some are called to be helpers. Someone called to be leaders and some are called to be followers. It matters not what your calling is, it matters that you fulfill it to the best of your ability with God's grace and help. 

It has been said that it is better to give than receive. This is especially true of our time and talents. There are many in nursing homes, there are many homebound and bedridden, perhaps these folks can contribute even more through their heartfelt prayers and reaching out to raise spirits of even strangers that seem downtrodden. Helping others in all forms and areas, as your station and life permits, is one of the most uplifting and joyful things anyone can do. Even if you're stuck in a bed you could go online and try to give hope; and help people who are depressed during the holidays or anytime!

Remember what He said: "Whatsoever you do for the least of My brethren that you do unto ME." 

Most importantly don't let the devil steal your peace. He loves to see us depressed, he loves to keep us in the past or worried about the future because he knows these things will keep us from prayer. 

So if you are lonely or depressed during the holidays, just thank God for your next breath. Thank God that you're alive and able to help others - however small it may be. Thank God for His Promises, especially that He will never abandon us.

Let us all pray for an increase in Faith Hope and Love while remembering that the greatest of these is LOVE! 

As the new year approaches, let us fill our hearts with hope overflowing into the hearts of all we encounter! 

And let us pray that all come to know the Truth that IS Jesus and the Joy 

that comes from loving Him! 


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