Friday, February 2, 2018

Pondering Politics

I'm going to say something that might not be so popular. But I've been doing an awful lot of thinking about the State of the Union Address and the Democrats reaction to it. I know there's been a lot of articles, talk and commentary about how unamerican the Democrats seemed to be after they chose to orchestrate a mostly unified display during the President's address.
Many have said, and I was one of them, that the display was clearly anti-American. Although that was a by-product of their exibit, I believe the main objective there was their hatred of Trump.

I started to really ponder this. Now what kind of people INTEND to DISPLAY hatred? Perhaps they may have thought that a public display of hatred would garner more constituents? But what made me feel very badly was when there was no respect shown to the parents of the murdered children, the police officer and his wife who adopted the heroin-addicted baby, the emotional Korean man holding up his crutches after a harrowing and courageous flight to freedom, and all the rest of the people that were commended for their good and moral actions (that are sorely missing in today's world). These acts could, never in a million years, be construed as lies, even by the most skillful - so what was there to hate with this? The only thing that I can possibly
imagine is it they wanted to drive home the point that that their hate makes them believe; that anything that comes out of Trumps mouth is a lie. This done at the expense of all those good people. And to what end? Did they not realize what this would make them look like? Hatred does that to a person. Hatred thinks that it's a means to an end in and of itself.

Of course it made them look Anti-American!

You know there was a saying when I was growing up; "It takes one, to know one." There's also been strong psychological evidence that in selecting the faults in others, we display our own. Here's just one example. This Russian collusion thing. It's been a year - over a year, and there's been no evidence. The time and money that's been wasted is ridiculous. Now the Dems are claiming that it's been the Republicans that have manufactured false narratives in order to distract from underlying agendas. I really am beginning to think that whatever the Dems accuse the Republicans of doing is actually being done by the Dems themselves TO the Republicans. Now this could open up a can of worms that could end up being an encyclopedia of crap, so I'm not going to go on with it. This article was written merely is an attempt to get folks thinking, and thinking hard about what's really going on behind the scenes here. How can people be so staunch about killing babies even after birth? Science has proven that they can feel pain. Yet abortion is one of the most brutal, vile, unsympathetic, barbaric and intrinsically evil acts that can be perpetrated on a human being. And the Dems congratulated each other and high-fived each other after winning the vote for abortions after 20 weeks. 
Abortion, in and of itself, is abhorrent. To express total GLEE in subjecting defenseless, vulnerable infants to this vile brutality is just incomprehensible. I'm not even going to go into the lucrative sideline of selling baby parts.

Much talk these days about conspiracy theories. There's a lot of talk today about climate control, sustainability, euthanasia, and all the rest. I'll give you two things to think about before I close this. Take a few minutes and Google GEORGIA GUIDESTONES (link above for the lazy lol). This is not a theory! You can go to Georgia today, right now, and TOUCH these stones that were erected through much expense, in eight or nine languages and VERY anonymously. Interesting stuff! There's also the Denver Airport murals that are just a little bit more than passive artwork. Now put this together with what's being said today by the left and elitists and the direction that the media is trying to push the masses into and - I'm sorry, you just got to scratch your head! I believe there is an agenda. I believe there's an Illuminati. I believe that evil exists as an entity and it's name is satan. I believe the division and confusion in our country and the world today has been expressly orchestrated for diabolical purposes. I believe that most people falling into this arena are pawns in a game they actually know very little about, although they present to be experts.

For hatred to run that deep, to display such contempt for moral and good actions, reports of hope and resurgence in the values that really did make America great in the first place, and turn it into something so ugly with division and intended malice is nothing short of diabolical manipulation for the express purpose of control, profit and power to satisfy the narcissistic egos of the accusers. So, let the games begin? Unfortunately, and possibly to our detriment, they already have begun.

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