The stark reality of deadly schoolhouse
violence and the intellectual fraud that is the pathetic
national narrative makes my blood run cold. I don’t
think I’m alone when I say, “the handwriting is on the
wall”. To those who are awake and standing watch, the
truth is clear: we are witnessing the breakdown of our
national social structure.
We know in our hearts that the political
power and force has shifted into the court of those who
adhere to the philosophy of socialism and the rules of
Saul Alinsky.
How quickly and to what extent will the
radical and tyrannical elements metastasize into street
violence depends on the strength and resistance of the
conservative Christian body. Let’s be honest, the
Christian body, for the most part, is in denial of the
reality that threatens its existence.
Take a look and a listen into the popular
cultural haunts of the youth; (i.e. MTV, rock concerts
and rap lyrics) and stroll around Wal-Mart. Have
Christian parents seriously paid any attention to the
video kill games that American children spend hours
Consider the vulgarity, sex, violence and
coarseness of TV and Hollywood movies. The moral
character or rather the lack thereof found in the halls
and campuses of our colleges and universities is the
exact fertile ground needed for the propagation of
aggression and brutality.
Add to this the common use of drugs and
alcohol and the lack of respect for the pre-born and we
are sitting on a social time-bomb. Unemployment and a
looming economic downturn also play a big role in
fueling hostilities within a society; if that is the
desired intention and I think it is.
Now we have to truly ask ourselves; are
there those within our society seeking to take power and
use it to extirpate a competitive and opposing element
in our society? Breaking News: “Christians are the
enemy of the People”.
Anyone who thinks that the anti-Catholic bias will not
explode into an all-out “Christian Pogrom” is
pathetically mistaken.
The youth of our country are predominantly unchurched,
stultified, stupefied, programed and desensitized;
primed for hate propaganda. All they need is a
charismatic anti-Catholic demagogue and all Hell will
break loose.
Unfortunately, the Christian population of the world is
in a sleepwalking trance of false self-security and it
appears that they will be standing right in the middle
of the tracks when the proverbial freight-train comes
barreling at them at top speed.
So, am I just another
radical alarmist or do I see something that most of the
Catholic population does not? “Peace on Earth”, is the
seasonal conundrum which does not refer to the peace of
this world. Life is a constant struggle for spiritual
survival and at times a truly bloody war against all
that is evil.
We had better face the
facts before it is too late and wake up to the reality
that we are anything but safe and secure from the forces
and hatred of Hell that are steadily growing in our
communities as we speak.
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