Sister Mary Rose Reddy, DMML, M.Ed.
Hello Sister Mary Rose Here!
Imagine our horror on the day that one of our Sisters returned with several of our children to our Children’s Home and told us that a woman had come up to her in a Boston museum and after looking at our children had said to her, “These children should have been aborted.”
Each one of these children is a beautiful unique, irreplaceable person just as every other human is. And yet these same children could have been legally aborted just a few years before this museum conversation took place, and the horror of that loss would have been hidden from our eyes. During the nearly forty years that abortion has been legal in the United States we have lost more than 50 million of these beautiful children to this gruesome action which is euphemistically called “women’s right to choose.”
Please consider as you vote that if you are supporting candidates who support this “right,” then you are participating in the crime which is causing this once beautiful, vibrant country founded on the premise that the Creator has endowed us with the inalienable rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” to continue to slowly, yet inexorably, commit suicide. And suicide is never “death with dignity.”
May God bless you,
Sister Mary Rose Reddy, DMML, M.Ed.
19 Grant St.
Rochester, NH 03867
You can *catch* .. ahem .... Sr. Mary Rose at: http://www.runningnuns.com
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