"... For unto us a Child is born ... unto us a Son is given .... "
My wish for us all is that when our eyes fall on the image of that little Babe in the manger, our most Loving Father, in the Holy Name of Jesus and by the Power of the Holy Spirit will set our hearts on fire anew with the most precious Gifts of Faith, Hope and Love.
May we live each day for HIM, helping each other advance in holiness as we consciously make an effort to set aside the things of the world that are passing away anyway. Let us look at each other with the same love and affection as we do the Christ Child ... remembering whatsoever we do to the least of our brethren, we do unto Him!
I would ask 3 things of all who's eyes
fall on this message:
fall on this message:
1. When you awaken in the morning, let your first thought be to offer everything that day in union with His Holy Passion for the Intentions of the Trinity and all of heaven. (Thoughts, words, deeds, breaths, heartbeats, steps, utterances, joys, sorrows, tears, actions, reactions, blinks of your eyes and even failings, God can make ANYTHING good!)
2. At 3pm if you can't pray the little Chaplet of Divine Mercy, just hold the intention in your heart asking God to have mercy on yourself and the whole world and beg Him to EMPTY PURGATORY INTO HEAVEN DAILY by merit of the Perfect Passion of Jesus during this Divine Mercy Hour.
3. When you go to sleep at night (and whenever you think of it actually), ask God in His mercy and goodness, to please grant the grace of perfect contrition to all those that step into eternity .. that they may, with their last conscious thought or dying breath, beg His mercy and embrace His Love! (That all be saved and none be lost!)
This is what I challenge you to do ... I BEG of you to do this!
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