The field of battle between God and satan is the human soul. It is in the soul that the battle rages every moment of life. The soul must give free access to the Lord so that it may be fortified by Him in every respect and with all kinds of weapons; that His light may enlighten it to combat the darkness of error; that it may be clothed with Jesus Christ. To be clothed with Jesus Christ it is necessary to die to oneself. That which comes from satan begins with calmness and ends in storm, indifference, and apathy. In the spiritual life he who does not advance goes backward. It happens as with a boat which always must go ahead. If it stands still the wind blows it back. Fix the time, the length of your meditation, and do not rise from your place until you have finished even at the cost of being crucified -- Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
The Sacraments of course are most important and we should avail ourselves a heapin' helpin' of grace when ever we can and as often as we can. If someone was handing out gold bars on the corner, would you smile politely as you passed by saying "NO THANK YOU"?? We as Catholics take for GRANTED the infinite treasures that our Faith gives us. It is the FULLNESS of Faith with all SEVEN Sacraments instituted by Jesus Himself and traceable in the Bible.
But getting back to prayer ... When you prayer, you lift your soul to our glorious Triune God, that can at times bring us to a height of supernatural joy that is hard to explain. Perhaps close to this might be compared to being in a praise and worship renewal or healing service where all raise their voices to God. Often we then experience a feeling that can 'carry us away' so to speak and remove us for a moment from all worldly concerns. Why is this? Well, the Bible clearly states that God INHABITS the praises of His people. I believe when your heart is lifted to Him in holy abandon and if even for a moment NOTHING else exists for you but HIM, well then you have a taste of eternity .. of heaven.
Let's take a closer look at this perfect prayer:
Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. - You acknowledge that God IS GOD in HEAVEN, is Holy and rightly to be praised. In His goodness and mercy He permits us to address Him as FATHER, hence, accepting us as His children.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. - We await His Kingdom .. that all will come to know and accept His love and mercy. We pray that humankind will turn to Him in obedience, embracing His Perfect Will in all things as the angels and saints in heaven do.
Give us this day our daily bread. - We ask our Heavenly Father to provide for our daily needs which He knows so much better than we do. Not necessarily what we WANT, but what He knows we NEED. And that need generally leans more toward our spiritual sanctification and salvation rather than our temporal needs on earth. Even so, God's treasure house of love, mercy and compassion is overflowing, so He frequently gives us our temporal needs as well.
And forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us. - Here, we're asking God to treat us as WE TREAT OTHERS. Be careful here! Forgiveness is paramount in prayer and a Christian life. Christ Himself forgave all from the Cross even after all the mockery, humiliations, tortures and all else! Who are we to do any less to those that have wronged and hurt us? FORGIVE ALWAYS ... SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN!!!!
Lead us not into temptation. - Would God lead us into temptation? No of course not. But He permits us to BE tempted so we can excercise our free will and strengthen our Faith. He wants us to be free to choose Him ... why would He want robots worshiping Him? We're asking here too for the strength to resist temptation and to increase our Faith so we may stand strong in the face of adversity.
But deliver us from evil. - Here we ask for help again with temptation but also more directly, to protect us from the snares and tricks of the devil. To deflect the darts and daggers that the ole boy throws our way to distract us from the path of holiness that leads to everlasting life. The devil always makes something look easy and good in the beginning, telling us God won't mind, it's no big deal and then when we're up to our ears in it, he stand laughing and tells us we're doomed and too far gone to even THINK about asking God for forgiveness .. he leads us into despair, apathy, self indulgence and ultimately self destruction. So we need help .. a lot of help, to fend off this deceitful liar and murderer who feeds off our sorrow and pain.
AMEN. - So be it! ... Let all we just said come to pass and be so!
Prayer should be our spiritual breath to live. We cannot live without oxygen to breathe, Christians cannot live without prayer and the Sacraments. To do so is fruitless and amounts to nothing but stress and misplaced priorities for this world that is passing away, just as our bodies are. Is prayer hard for you? Do you find it a chore sometimes? Then you may be in the desert.
Persevere and beg for the grace to remain focused and bask in the glory of the Father of Mercy and Love.
Lay your head at the Feet of the One that suffered and gave up all - to the very last Drop of His Most Precious Blood even for those that He knew would mock and hate Him through the ages.
Breathe in the newness of the Breath of Life from the Holy Ghost Who's Power and Might can sustain even the most wretched and weak of us.
Finally, forget not the Queen of the most Holy Rosary who stands ever ready to plead and intercede for her children to Jesus. Her intense love, great compassion and maternal care reach into the wounded Sacred Heart in a way that is unique between Mother and Son. She takes no glory for herself ... remember her words always: "Do whatever He tells you!"
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