Michael Ghisleri was born in Bosco, Italy in 1504. The experience of poverty was prevalent throughout his childhood, so he had little schooling and had to tend sheep with his father. His early virtue and quick mind attracted attention and he entered a Dominican school at an early age. By the time he turned fourteen, he entered the order and would later be ordained a priest. He lectured and taught, was elected prior of a number of Dominican houses and was known for his personal discipline and purity. This was a time of conflict and heresy and he was appointed inquisitor in Como, Italy. His great zeal and courage attracted similar positions in Milan and Lombardy and he would later become Inquisitor General. In this role, he even challenged the Pope who had appointed him. When Pius IV died, he was elected Pope and took the name Pius V. He combated heresy, excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I of England, visited the sick and helped the poor and suffering. He played an important role in standardizing Church worship, enforcing the decisions of the Council of Trent and publishing a standard Catechism. One of his most important achievements was in organizing a Christian fleet which defeated the Turks at Lepanto. He credited the intercession of the Virgin Mary and instituted the Feast of the Holy Rosary to commemorate the victory.
This week pray a Rosary in his honor, his feast day is April 30th.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Who's Land does GOD say it is?
It goes beyond my comprehension how one group can demand something from another group when they have no right to it. Is not Israel the ONLY nation in the world that had its borders drawn out by GOD HIMSELF? So, tell me ... where is the problem with this? I know, it all reverts back to Abraham and Sarah and 'the boys'. Certainly Abraham's seed was multiplied as the stars in the skies and the sands of the shore ... and until Jesus returns, there will be no peace between them :-(
What are we looking at in the near future?
Peace talks seem to be getting closer and closer ... (keep an eye out for the guy that finally gets 'em to sign on the dotted line!)
Iran has spoken the prophetic words from the Bible about Israel's name being no more remembered and wiping the Jews from the face of the earth.
All 3 major religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) all expecting their respective Messiah's in the not so distant future.
We certainly have the wars and rumors of wars along with most if not all the other signs of which Matthew 24 speaks.
More than anything else, we've really begun to see good being called EVIL and evil being called GOOD.
WE NEED TO PRAY AS NEVER BEFORE! Don't leave it up to someone else .... we all need to storm heaven, do penance and forgive each other. Not sweating the small stuff has taken on a new meaning ..... don't hold on to grudges ... do what's REALLY important .... PRAY for each other and the WORLD!
What are we looking at in the near future?
Peace talks seem to be getting closer and closer ... (keep an eye out for the guy that finally gets 'em to sign on the dotted line!)
Iran has spoken the prophetic words from the Bible about Israel's name being no more remembered and wiping the Jews from the face of the earth.
All 3 major religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) all expecting their respective Messiah's in the not so distant future.
We certainly have the wars and rumors of wars along with most if not all the other signs of which Matthew 24 speaks.
More than anything else, we've really begun to see good being called EVIL and evil being called GOOD.
WE NEED TO PRAY AS NEVER BEFORE! Don't leave it up to someone else .... we all need to storm heaven, do penance and forgive each other. Not sweating the small stuff has taken on a new meaning ..... don't hold on to grudges ... do what's REALLY important .... PRAY for each other and the WORLD!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Speramus (We Hope!): Anniversary of Election of Pope Benedict XVI-Fatima Message Embraces the Holy Father in Prayer and Sacrifice!
Speramus (We Hope!): Anniversary of Election of Pope Benedict XVI-Fatima Message Embraces the Holy Father in Prayer and Sacrifice!: "'My dear friends, at this moment I can only say: pray for me, that I may learn to love the Lord more and more. Pray for me that I may learn to love more and more his flock: you, the holy Church, each one of you and all of you together. Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves. Let us pray for one another, that the Lord will carry us and that we will learn to carry one another.'"
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Anti-Catholic Cartoon Targets the Pope
By TFP Student Action |
April 25, 2010 |
The vile cartoon appeared in the Holy Week issue of the Le Monde Magazine. The author, Jean Plantu, is known for his blasphemous insults against the Church and the Pope. However, this might be the first time an insult against the Pope has reached this extreme.
TFP Student Action chose not to reprint a copy of the cartoon because it is simply beyond the pale.
Click here to send a peaceful protest to Le Monde Magazine
Last year, Le Monde published a Plantu cartoon showing Our Lord Jesus Christ handing out condoms from a boat to the excited masses. The cartoon read: “The multiplication of the condoms followed the multiplication of the loaves.” That cartoon hit the Pope too. He was shown as a decrepit old man who says: “Anything goes!”
So, the most recent cartoon against the Pope in Le Monde Magazine is not an isolated case. It is part of a series. That is why it is important for us to raise a powerful yet peaceful protest against Le Monde. More ...
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Father Mark Bozada & Souls
"In my own prayer I have been shown that the preternatural gifts lost in the Garden are being partly restored and part of the grace is having the veil lifted," explains Father Bozada, who ministers at three parishes (and is based at St. Mary of Perpetual Help in Villa Ridge). "It predicated, however, on obedience to God's Will, so as not interrupted by the evil one. The two ways we support that is to remain obedient to the Church community and Magisterium. The perfection of the Holy Spirit is revealed through the Church."
"My mother told me never to be afraid because the Blessed Mother was there to protect me," says this special priest, who was ordained in 1981. "The first time I encountered an angel was when I was six or seven. I was at our community swimming pool and started drowning -- in water over my head. I heard a voice say, 'I will help you.' The voice said to push off the bottom of the pool and then again and kept coaching me until I got to the side of the pool.
Why all the reports of spiritual phenomena? How come: the sudden, overwhelming public interest in spirits, ghosts, and apparitions? Why, in the Christian and non-Christian worlds, are there so many claims of the supernatural?
Angels. The deceased. And, yes, demons.
The reason, according to a gifted priest from St. Louis named Father Mark Bozada, is that the "veil" is "thinning."
As we approach special times, the supernatural, he says, is being made more manifest.
That admonishment comes at a time when many have strayed into questionable aspects of spirituality, and yet it also comes at a time when seers can face hyper-skepticism (and even persecution). The Church, says Father Bozada (who has visited the apparition site of Medjugorje fifteen times), acts as "mothers do at a ball field": making sure the kids stay within the boundaries (and recovering the ball when it's kicked astray). "The devil perverts gifts," says Father Bozada, who served as a consultant for an A & E program on spirit infestation. "That's what he does best."
The thinning veil, says this priest, "is because we're moving into the era of peace and the Lord is preparing us to live in a different way. Many saints in the past have foreseen this rebirth of the Church and mankind."
Much is about to change. We see the purification all around us.
Father Bozada is well-qualified to speak on the mystical because he is "supersensory" and has had the experience of sensing and even seeing spirits since he was five or six. The gift developed as he encountered the demonic -- including the smell of sulfur as a boy -- and learned to pray harder. That's the negative side. He also experiences -- and sees -- angels and poor souls doing their purgatory on earth -- something that was also associated with St. Padre Pio.
"I always had a sense of the presence because we were always told to pray for poor souls. My mother always said never to be afraid of souls but pray for them (if you catch them out of the corner of your eye). But it wasn't until Medjugorje in 1989 that I could distinguish dark purgatorial souls from demons."
While sometimes the priest sees them through his physical eyes, most often, allegedly, Father Bozada sees spirits in interior visions (as if through "the mirrors on a reflector telescope"). The darker a soul, he says, the lower is its purgatory -- and the more difficult to identify. He says souls can seem like mere outlines in gray and shadows.
Souls higher up in purgatory become recognizable and exhibit features. "I can see the faces of the ones closer to the upper levels of purgatory," he asserts, for our considered judgment.
"Sometimes souls do get 'stuck,'" he adds. "I did a house blessing in Kansas City. The home had a presence of children and it turned out that it was part of the 'trail of tears' -- Indian children where tribes went to reservations and passed through Missouri long ago."
This all sounds like "fringe" stuff until one meets this otherwise "down-to-earth," no-nonsense, orthodox priest.
"A lot of it has to do with intimacy," he counsels. "The gifts are contingent on how intimate we are with God. The farthest back I remember when I was about four and I saw the Face of Jesus and felt this intense love."
He sees earthbound spirits virtually every day -- especially in busy places like hotels, malls, or airports, he claims. For this reason, Father Bozada usually travels with the Blessed Sacrament. He says that souls not only attach to places but also specific people -- looking for help or remaining near relatives.
And for that reason he believes that freeing such souls often cause healings -- emotional and physical -- in families, that spirits attach to our lineages. He sees more of these souls that demonic ones.
"If there's a place infested, I would know the difference," he says. "The poor souls come like beggars. The demons come raging. A demon that is present makes you feel like you're falling into a dark hole -- cold and menacing and intense fear."
The most intense demonic activity, says Father Bozada, is often linked to places where there has been occult activity, prostitution, or the use of drugs. Although he doesn't like to specify locales -- and notes that every city has its positives and negatives -- he has felt special evil in two places many would expect: Las Vegas and parts of Manhattan.
As for the poor souls: they should be held up, in a special manner, during the Consecration. Small Masses for them, he says, are especially intense.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
More News on USA Chaplet
Just an update on how the chaplet is being received.
A couple articles have gone up about it:
Jackson Catholic Examiner
A very nice recording was made of it over at 4Marks.com
If nothing else .. PLEASE just say these prayers, even apart from the chaplet!
"Merciful Lord, please protect and save the most vulnerable; the unborn, disabled, sick, elderly and those that know not Your Love and Mercy."
"Sweetest Jesus, for the sake of those that love You, by merit of Your Holy Passion, lift not Your Protective Hand from us and please bless the USA!"
"Eternal God, united to the Perfect & Holy Passion of Jesus, we offer You our joys, sorrows, breaths, heartbeats and tears to strengthen the faithful, renew the lukewarm, restore the fallen away and convert the proud."
"Most loving Father, may Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
"Merciful Father, Whose tender Love has no bounds, grant, in Your Goodness and Mercy that we always embrace Your Perfect Will in all things with a joyful heart. Please cover us with the Precious Blood of Jesus in which we trust and rely. Send the Holy Spirit to renew our souls and our land that it may bring You honor and glory and we may, once again, be a nation under God! Bring us daily closer to the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts and increase our Faith that we may always strengthen each other, in Jesus' Name. Amen."
I've finished the smaller shortened version of the chaplet with only one group rather than the 5 groups. Of course, this can be used to say the full chaplet the same way a pocket decade rosary can be said to say a full rosary :)
I'll post it here for convenience sake if anyone would like one.
Brand New USA Chaplet Devotion
Short Form
6mm glass pearls
c19 SP $4.99
A couple articles have gone up about it:
Jackson Catholic Examiner
A very nice recording was made of it over at 4Marks.com
If nothing else .. PLEASE just say these prayers, even apart from the chaplet!
"Merciful Lord, please protect and save the most vulnerable; the unborn, disabled, sick, elderly and those that know not Your Love and Mercy."
"Sweetest Jesus, for the sake of those that love You, by merit of Your Holy Passion, lift not Your Protective Hand from us and please bless the USA!"
"Eternal God, united to the Perfect & Holy Passion of Jesus, we offer You our joys, sorrows, breaths, heartbeats and tears to strengthen the faithful, renew the lukewarm, restore the fallen away and convert the proud."
"Most loving Father, may Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
"Merciful Father, Whose tender Love has no bounds, grant, in Your Goodness and Mercy that we always embrace Your Perfect Will in all things with a joyful heart. Please cover us with the Precious Blood of Jesus in which we trust and rely. Send the Holy Spirit to renew our souls and our land that it may bring You honor and glory and we may, once again, be a nation under God! Bring us daily closer to the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts and increase our Faith that we may always strengthen each other, in Jesus' Name. Amen."
I've finished the smaller shortened version of the chaplet with only one group rather than the 5 groups. Of course, this can be used to say the full chaplet the same way a pocket decade rosary can be said to say a full rosary :)
I'll post it here for convenience sake if anyone would like one.
Brand New USA Chaplet Devotion
Short Form
6mm glass pearls
c19 SP $4.99
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena begins 4/18/10
Pray the Novena (April 18-26) to Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano with absolute trust, since countless miracles and prodigies are worked by this stunning image.
About one such miracle, Father Dillon writes:
“From this picture then, She spoke to him [St. Aloysius Gonzaga] not once, but many times; comforting him in his troubles, confirming him in his vocation, and giving him, it is said, a thousand expressions of her Maternal tenderness. No wonder he should become a saint and a great one.”
“What he experienced is simply that which is experienced, though perhaps in a less miraculous way, by all who approach the wonderful original. Thousands tell how Mary there appears to speak to them, to unravel the secrets of their hearts, to show them the future, to guide them in their course through life, to defend them against every danger of soul and body; and. in a word, to repay their devotion and love a hundred, aye, and a hundred thousand fold.”
This came to me from the America Needs Fatima Organization.
Please, for the love of your soul, pray the Novena to Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano. You won’t be disappointed.
Our Lady of Good Counsel
(State your petitions)
Holy Virgin, moved by the painful uncertainty we experience in seeking and acquiring the true and the good, we cast ourselves at thy feet and invoke thee under the sweet title of Mother of Good Counsel. We beseech thee: come to our aid at this moment in our worldly sojourn when the twin darknesses of error and of evil that plots our ruin by leading minds and hearts astray.
Seat of Wisdom and Star of the Sea, enlighten the victims of doubt and of error so that they may not be seduced by evil masquerading as good; strengthen them against the hostile and corrupting forces of passion and of sin.
Mother of Good Counsel, obtain for us from thy Divine Son the love of virtue and the strength to choose, in doubtful and difficult situations, the course agreeable to our salvation.
Supported by thy hand we shall thus journey without harm along the paths taught us by the word and example of Jesus our Savior, following the Sun of Truth and Justice in freedom and safety across the battlefield of life under the guidance of thy maternal Star, until we come at length to the harbor of salvation to enjoy with thee unalloyed and everlasting peace.
(By Pope Pius XII, 23 January 1953)
About one such miracle, Father Dillon writes:
“From this picture then, She spoke to him [St. Aloysius Gonzaga] not once, but many times; comforting him in his troubles, confirming him in his vocation, and giving him, it is said, a thousand expressions of her Maternal tenderness. No wonder he should become a saint and a great one.”
“What he experienced is simply that which is experienced, though perhaps in a less miraculous way, by all who approach the wonderful original. Thousands tell how Mary there appears to speak to them, to unravel the secrets of their hearts, to show them the future, to guide them in their course through life, to defend them against every danger of soul and body; and. in a word, to repay their devotion and love a hundred, aye, and a hundred thousand fold.”
This came to me from the America Needs Fatima Organization.
Please, for the love of your soul, pray the Novena to Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano. You won’t be disappointed.
Our Lady of Good Counsel
(State your petitions)
Holy Virgin, moved by the painful uncertainty we experience in seeking and acquiring the true and the good, we cast ourselves at thy feet and invoke thee under the sweet title of Mother of Good Counsel. We beseech thee: come to our aid at this moment in our worldly sojourn when the twin darknesses of error and of evil that plots our ruin by leading minds and hearts astray.
Seat of Wisdom and Star of the Sea, enlighten the victims of doubt and of error so that they may not be seduced by evil masquerading as good; strengthen them against the hostile and corrupting forces of passion and of sin.
Mother of Good Counsel, obtain for us from thy Divine Son the love of virtue and the strength to choose, in doubtful and difficult situations, the course agreeable to our salvation.
Supported by thy hand we shall thus journey without harm along the paths taught us by the word and example of Jesus our Savior, following the Sun of Truth and Justice in freedom and safety across the battlefield of life under the guidance of thy maternal Star, until we come at length to the harbor of salvation to enjoy with thee unalloyed and everlasting peace.
(By Pope Pius XII, 23 January 1953)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Where's your heart???
Richard Dawkins seems to be exerting a lot of energy and staking an awful LOT on a "PROBABLY".
He stands in front of a big red bus that has a large sign which reads: "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." Doesn't seem too bright to me to exert that much energy defending a notion that you PROBABLY believe and be willing to bet your eternal soul on it in the process. I have to wonder where these folks get their motivation.
Were they from the 'old school' and perhaps a nun smacked their knuckles with a ruler in the 50's and they've held that animosity all these years? All I know is in the 50's and 60's when teachers in general were able to discipline and parents generally went a long with it, within reason, that there were no shootings or stabbings in schools and the teen suicide rate in itself was MUCH lower. Hmmm .. perhaps prayer in schools and the 10 Commandments in public government had something to do with values and morals .. ya think?
But, I digress.
So now, Dawkins and Hitchens want to arrest the Holy Father when he steps foot in the UK after a state invitation. Absolutely friggin' amazing! Will they do this before or after they have Obama arrested for all the crimes and evils that members of congress have done as well?? Oh! My mistake, that must have been Bush's fault, right?? How far will pride, arrogance and hatred take a person? Truly it IS a poison and infectious malady unto itself! We know the Holy Father has much to suffer being the Leader of the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Church that Jesus founded .. but these times, I believe are history in the making and prophecy unfolding before our very eyes. Please ... all need to pray and do penance for Benedict XVI, that he "may not flee for fear of the wolves"!
It seems to me that folks that vehemently dispute the existence of God have much deeper issues than they perhaps are willing to admit even to themselves. It appears that their extreme disdain for all things holy and almighty stems rather from pride, hatred and arrogance than a true philosophical factually based conclusion of which they have a shred of evidence.
These are one of the largest groups of folks that we must pray for. I believe it's their past hurts and recently constructed emotional walls that wraps them in the kind of pride that doesn't permit them to seriously consider that they might be wrong. After all .. there are literally just TWO choices. You either believe there IS a God and act accordingly, or you don't. I, for one, like to err on the side of caution.
It makes more sense to me to believe and search out the Truth and origins and live my life accordingly so that when I die and I have to face God, I can look forward to a loving and merciful Father that I have known all my life rather than be shaking in my boots and saying "OOPS" when I must face the King of kings who's going to judge me on my pride and arrogance in refusing to accept Him after being presented with the Truth.
Now those that don't believe will say to me .. "and if there IS NO GOD, then you've done it all for nothing while you could have had *FUN*" .. hmm, really??
Well .. let's see ... Is it better to believe and there BE nothing (you lived a good life and helped those you could and if you're now dead and gone, you don't even KNOW it!)
*OR* you live your life doing as you please and justifying all your actions saying there's NO GOD and then you have to FACE HIM and *try* to explain? Who's better off? What's the better choice here, folks?
We can't fool the Lord of Creation Who reads mans hearts! We may fool others and even sometimes ourselves, but we cannot fool the One that can neither lie or BE lied TO!
So here it is .. the average person will exert more energy and effort in searching out the best prices for vacation packages and other equally erroneously superficial pleasures and extravagances, than he will to find the TRUTH that is the ONLY thing that REALLY matters in life. Most live as if this is ALL THERE IS, with *eternity* being the 'illusion'.
There are a number of people who would not think of gambling on anything for any amount of money or for any reason. Yet, they are willing to stake their eternal existence on a bet. The bet is that God will think that they are good enough to be let into His kingdom or better yet, that God doesn't even exist, so they don't even have to worry about it. These people would not even consider a speculative investment but they refuse to invest in the only endeavor that will pay an eternal reward. They refuse to exert any energy to seriously find out the TRUTH which will effect their very existence. They have heard the truth and they even know the price, but they refuse to respond.
He stands in front of a big red bus that has a large sign which reads: "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." Doesn't seem too bright to me to exert that much energy defending a notion that you PROBABLY believe and be willing to bet your eternal soul on it in the process. I have to wonder where these folks get their motivation.
Were they from the 'old school' and perhaps a nun smacked their knuckles with a ruler in the 50's and they've held that animosity all these years? All I know is in the 50's and 60's when teachers in general were able to discipline and parents generally went a long with it, within reason, that there were no shootings or stabbings in schools and the teen suicide rate in itself was MUCH lower. Hmmm .. perhaps prayer in schools and the 10 Commandments in public government had something to do with values and morals .. ya think?
But, I digress.
So now, Dawkins and Hitchens want to arrest the Holy Father when he steps foot in the UK after a state invitation. Absolutely friggin' amazing! Will they do this before or after they have Obama arrested for all the crimes and evils that members of congress have done as well?? Oh! My mistake, that must have been Bush's fault, right?? How far will pride, arrogance and hatred take a person? Truly it IS a poison and infectious malady unto itself! We know the Holy Father has much to suffer being the Leader of the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Church that Jesus founded .. but these times, I believe are history in the making and prophecy unfolding before our very eyes. Please ... all need to pray and do penance for Benedict XVI, that he "may not flee for fear of the wolves"!
It seems to me that folks that vehemently dispute the existence of God have much deeper issues than they perhaps are willing to admit even to themselves. It appears that their extreme disdain for all things holy and almighty stems rather from pride, hatred and arrogance than a true philosophical factually based conclusion of which they have a shred of evidence.
These are one of the largest groups of folks that we must pray for. I believe it's their past hurts and recently constructed emotional walls that wraps them in the kind of pride that doesn't permit them to seriously consider that they might be wrong. After all .. there are literally just TWO choices. You either believe there IS a God and act accordingly, or you don't. I, for one, like to err on the side of caution.
It makes more sense to me to believe and search out the Truth and origins and live my life accordingly so that when I die and I have to face God, I can look forward to a loving and merciful Father that I have known all my life rather than be shaking in my boots and saying "OOPS" when I must face the King of kings who's going to judge me on my pride and arrogance in refusing to accept Him after being presented with the Truth.
Now those that don't believe will say to me .. "and if there IS NO GOD, then you've done it all for nothing while you could have had *FUN*" .. hmm, really??
Well .. let's see ... Is it better to believe and there BE nothing (you lived a good life and helped those you could and if you're now dead and gone, you don't even KNOW it!)
*OR* you live your life doing as you please and justifying all your actions saying there's NO GOD and then you have to FACE HIM and *try* to explain? Who's better off? What's the better choice here, folks?
We can't fool the Lord of Creation Who reads mans hearts! We may fool others and even sometimes ourselves, but we cannot fool the One that can neither lie or BE lied TO!
So here it is .. the average person will exert more energy and effort in searching out the best prices for vacation packages and other equally erroneously superficial pleasures and extravagances, than he will to find the TRUTH that is the ONLY thing that REALLY matters in life. Most live as if this is ALL THERE IS, with *eternity* being the 'illusion'.
There are a number of people who would not think of gambling on anything for any amount of money or for any reason. Yet, they are willing to stake their eternal existence on a bet. The bet is that God will think that they are good enough to be let into His kingdom or better yet, that God doesn't even exist, so they don't even have to worry about it. These people would not even consider a speculative investment but they refuse to invest in the only endeavor that will pay an eternal reward. They refuse to exert any energy to seriously find out the TRUTH which will effect their very existence. They have heard the truth and they even know the price, but they refuse to respond.
My heart breaks for them ... please PRAY FOR CONVERSIONS, that NONE BE LOST!!!
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
~Luke 12:34 & Matt 6:21 4/14/10
~Luke 12:34 & Matt 6:21 4/14/10
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
USA Chaplet - Now an Approved Devotion
Nihil Obstat given on April 9, 2010.
Please begin praying these important prayers for our country!
No need to buy a chaplet!
You may freely copy and print the picture and instructions and learn it
and pray from the paper!
But please begin praying and tell all you know.
I believe it's very important!
Thank you!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Speramus (We Hope!): Is Pope Benedict XVI the Pope who was alone and weeping in Jacinta's Vision of the Holy Father?
Speramus (We Hope!): Is Pope Benedict XVI the Pope who was alone and weeping in Jacinta's Vision of the Holy Father?
I believe the vision speaks of our Pope Benedict XVI ... It hit me like a rock between the eyes when he was first elected and asked for prayers that he might not flee for fear of the wolves :-( He is truly attacked. Instead of pointing fingers, it's time folks finally figured out WHO satan is FINGERING and WHY. HE KNOWS the Catholic Church is the ONE begun by Jesus and is the TRUE CHURCH, hence THE ONE HE NEEDS TO DISCREDIT AND CRUSH .. or TRY to anyway. Jesus promised His Church would always survive against the gates of hell ... but He never said it wouldn't be dragged through the mud :-(
We need to pray for the Pope .. we need to beg grace to strengthen the faithful, renew the lukewarm, restore the fallen away and convert the proud. May Almighty God have mercy on us all and on the whole world!
I believe the vision speaks of our Pope Benedict XVI ... It hit me like a rock between the eyes when he was first elected and asked for prayers that he might not flee for fear of the wolves :-( He is truly attacked. Instead of pointing fingers, it's time folks finally figured out WHO satan is FINGERING and WHY. HE KNOWS the Catholic Church is the ONE begun by Jesus and is the TRUE CHURCH, hence THE ONE HE NEEDS TO DISCREDIT AND CRUSH .. or TRY to anyway. Jesus promised His Church would always survive against the gates of hell ... but He never said it wouldn't be dragged through the mud :-(
We need to pray for the Pope .. we need to beg grace to strengthen the faithful, renew the lukewarm, restore the fallen away and convert the proud. May Almighty God have mercy on us all and on the whole world!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Please pray for the Holy Father .. Novena Begins 4/11/10
As Pope Benedict XVI nears the fifth anniversary of election as the Successor of Peter, the Knights of Columbus are inviting the faithful to join in a novena for the Holy Father. It begins April 11th, this Sunday (Divine Mercy Sunday), and ends April 19th, the anniversary of his election.
A Prayer for the Pope
Written by Pope Leo XIII
O Lord, we are the millions of believers, humbly kneeling at Thy feet and begging Thee to preserve, defend and save the Sovereign Pontiff for many years. He is the Father of the great fellowship of souls and our Father as well. On this day, as on every other day, he is praying for us also, and is offering unto Thee with holy fervor the sacred Victim of love and peace.
Wherefore, O Lord, turn thyself toward us with eyes of pity; for we are now, as it were, forgetful of ourselves, and are praying above all for him. Do Thou unite our prayers with his and receive them into the bosom of Thine infinite mercy, as a sweet savor of active and fruitful charity, whereby the children are united in the Church to their Father. All that he asks of Thee this day, we too ask it of Thee in unison with him.
Whether he weeps or rejoices, whether he hopes or offers himself as a victim of charity for his people, we desire to be united with him; nay more, we desire that the cry of our hearts should be made one with his.
Of Thy great mercy grant, O Lord, that not one of us may be far from his mind and his heart in the hour that he prays and offers unto Thee the Sacrifice of Thy blessed Son. At the moment when our venerable High Priest, holding in His hands the very Body of Jesus Christ, shall say to the people over the Chalice of benediction these words: "The peace of the Lord be with you always," grant, O Lord, that Thy sweet peace may come down upon our hearts and upon all the nations with new and manifest power. Amen.
Prayer for Pope Benedict XVI
Lord, source of eternal life and truth,
give to Your shepherd, Benedict, a spirit
of courage and right judgment, a spirit
of knowledge and love. By governing
with fidelity those entrusted to his care,
may he, as successor to the Apostle
Peter and Vicar of Christ, build Your
Church into a sacrament of unity, love
and peace for all the world. Amen.
give to Your shepherd, Benedict, a spirit
of courage and right judgment, a spirit
of knowledge and love. By governing
with fidelity those entrusted to his care,
may he, as successor to the Apostle
Peter and Vicar of Christ, build Your
Church into a sacrament of unity, love
and peace for all the world. Amen.
V/ Let us pray for Benedict, the Pope.
R/ May the Lord preserve him, give him a long life, make him blessed upon the earth, and not hand him over to the power of his enemies.
R/ May the Lord preserve him, give him a long life, make him blessed upon the earth, and not hand him over to the power of his enemies.
V/ May Your hand be upon Your holy servant.
R/ And upon Your Son, Whom You have anointed.
R/ And upon Your Son, Whom You have anointed.
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be …
A Prayer for the Pope
Written by Pope Leo XIII
O Lord, we are the millions of believers, humbly kneeling at Thy feet and begging Thee to preserve, defend and save the Sovereign Pontiff for many years. He is the Father of the great fellowship of souls and our Father as well. On this day, as on every other day, he is praying for us also, and is offering unto Thee with holy fervor the sacred Victim of love and peace.
Wherefore, O Lord, turn thyself toward us with eyes of pity; for we are now, as it were, forgetful of ourselves, and are praying above all for him. Do Thou unite our prayers with his and receive them into the bosom of Thine infinite mercy, as a sweet savor of active and fruitful charity, whereby the children are united in the Church to their Father. All that he asks of Thee this day, we too ask it of Thee in unison with him.
Whether he weeps or rejoices, whether he hopes or offers himself as a victim of charity for his people, we desire to be united with him; nay more, we desire that the cry of our hearts should be made one with his.
Of Thy great mercy grant, O Lord, that not one of us may be far from his mind and his heart in the hour that he prays and offers unto Thee the Sacrifice of Thy blessed Son. At the moment when our venerable High Priest, holding in His hands the very Body of Jesus Christ, shall say to the people over the Chalice of benediction these words: "The peace of the Lord be with you always," grant, O Lord, that Thy sweet peace may come down upon our hearts and upon all the nations with new and manifest power. Amen.
USA Chaplet - Nihil Obstat
As of 4/9/10, the Bishop of Manchester, NH has given his Nihil Obstat on the USA Chaplet and it may now be formally disseminated for use by the faithful! Letter may be viewed here:
Chaplets are offered on the site, but PLEASE .. there is no need to buy any! It is very easy to copy and print the instructions with the picture and pray it from a paper! That is how many have done it since last January and it works just FINE! ;)
It is much more important to pray the prayers than SELL the BEADS!! :)
Thanks so much to all that have held this intention in their prayers .. you can be assured that you are held in my daily 3pm's!
God bless!
Chaplets are offered on the site, but PLEASE .. there is no need to buy any! It is very easy to copy and print the instructions with the picture and pray it from a paper! That is how many have done it since last January and it works just FINE! ;)
It is much more important to pray the prayers than SELL the BEADS!! :)
Thanks so much to all that have held this intention in their prayers .. you can be assured that you are held in my daily 3pm's!
God bless!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, animated with a desire to repair the outrages unceasingly offered to Thee, we prostrate before Thy throne of mercy, and in the name of all mankind, pledge our love and fidelity to Thee.
The more Thy mysteries are blasphemed, the more firmly we shall believe them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus!
The more impiety endeavors to extinguish our hope of immortality, the more we shall trust in Thy Heart, sole Hope of mankind!
The more hearts resist Thy Divine attractions, the more we shall love Thee, O infinitely amiable Heart of Jesus!
The more unbelief attacks Thy Divinity, the more humbly and profoundly we shall adore It, O Divine Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy holy laws are transgressed and ignored, the more we shall delight to observe them, O most holy Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy Sacraments are despised and abandoned, the more frequently we shall receive them with love and reverence, O most generous Heart of Jesus!
The more the imitation of Thy virtues is neglected and forgotten, the more we shall endeavor to practice them, O Heart, model of every virtue!
The more the devil labors to destroy souls, the more we shall be inflamed with desire to save them, O Heart of Jesus, zealous Lover of souls!
The more sin and impurity destroy the image of God in man, the more we shall try by purity of life to be a living temple of the Holy Spirit, O Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy Holy Church is despised, the more we shall endeavor to be her faithful children, O Sweet Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy Vicar on earth is persecuted, the more will we honor him as the infallible head of Thy Holy Church, show our fidelity and pray for him, O kingly Heart of Jesus!
O Sacred Heart, through Thy powerful grace, may we become Thy apostles in the midst of a corrupted world, and be Thy crown in the kingdom of Heaven. Amen.
The more impiety endeavors to extinguish our hope of immortality, the more we shall trust in Thy Heart, sole Hope of mankind!
The more hearts resist Thy Divine attractions, the more we shall love Thee, O infinitely amiable Heart of Jesus!
The more unbelief attacks Thy Divinity, the more humbly and profoundly we shall adore It, O Divine Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy holy laws are transgressed and ignored, the more we shall delight to observe them, O most holy Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy Sacraments are despised and abandoned, the more frequently we shall receive them with love and reverence, O most generous Heart of Jesus!
The more the imitation of Thy virtues is neglected and forgotten, the more we shall endeavor to practice them, O Heart, model of every virtue!
The more the devil labors to destroy souls, the more we shall be inflamed with desire to save them, O Heart of Jesus, zealous Lover of souls!
The more sin and impurity destroy the image of God in man, the more we shall try by purity of life to be a living temple of the Holy Spirit, O Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy Holy Church is despised, the more we shall endeavor to be her faithful children, O Sweet Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy Vicar on earth is persecuted, the more will we honor him as the infallible head of Thy Holy Church, show our fidelity and pray for him, O kingly Heart of Jesus!
O Sacred Heart, through Thy powerful grace, may we become Thy apostles in the midst of a corrupted world, and be Thy crown in the kingdom of Heaven. Amen.
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