What's Inside ...

Friday, January 3, 2020

Don't Cut Yourself Short

Things are rapidly nearing a crescendo in world events and eternal consequences. If you believe in eternity, really do value your soul & love Jesus, at Least Read The WHOLE Bible. It is undeniable that the Catholic Church put together the Bible and that Martin Luther removed 7 books. He removed those books to support his newfound faith.
That first break away from the fullness of Truth has borne over 30,000 other denominations and no two can agree on the same doctrine. Yet the Catholic church today is the same as it was in the catacombs of the first century.
Now tell me, don't you think you owe it to your soul to at least give yourself the OPPORTUNITY to read what Luther took away from you?
Be led by the Holy Spirit into the  fullness of all Truth.
Jesus instituted seven Sacraments not just two. I know many who love Jesus with all their hearts; yet they rob themselves of the grace that God wants to shower on them by not availing themselves of all that He gave us for our sanctification.
So many say: "Jesus said call no man Father." (However, certainly it's in the commandments to honor your FATHER and your mother ... additionally St. Paul refers often to himself as a FATHER and calls his disciples children.) And they hold fast to those Words because they came from the Mouth of the Lord.
But at the same time, when our dear Lord replicates Himself to be with us until the end of time as He promised, pronouncing very clearly: "This IS My Body, this IS My Blood." They say it is only SYMBOLIC. How sad that have they have apparently forgotten the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. If the Lord can multiply food for a crowd, can He not multiply Himself to be united with us forever as He promised?
They're cheating themselves out of the most intimate Union there can be with the Lord on this Earth. Jesus
goes on to say in John 6:53 (clarifying because He knew how they doubted this hard saying in their hearts): "Verily verily I say unto you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood you have no life in you." (Go ahead look it up, I'll wait.)
Please don't misunderstand. This is not an attempt to push my beliefs on anybody for the sake of my own gratification or anything else. It is a yearning to help others (who obviously love Jesus) to receive all He so earnestly wants to bestow upon us all.
Jesus came so that we might have life and have it to the FULL. He wants to share with us all the Father has shared with Him. He wants us ALL to be one in Him as HE is One with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
"And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice; and there shall be ONE FOLD, and ONE SHEPHERD. 
~John 10:16

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