What's Inside ...

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

SlowER than Molasses lately! ... SORRY!!

Well ... I've been down more than up since the beginning of the year between the arthritis, rotator cuff problems, a few more fun things and now pneumonia. I had it for a while before I gave in, but my PCP came on 3/16 and had me walk a bit. My Oxygen went down to 50 something, so she said no getting around it anymore ... and called rescue to take me to the ER. So laid there for hours getting IV antibiotics and fluids and they sent me home with a script for a z-pack and 24/7 oxygen. Thought I was doing pretty well till a few days ago, but it's making another visit apparently. PCP just here a little while ago and advised to take another course of z-pack and nebulizer 4x/day. Course she didn't have an ex-ray machine with her, but after listening to my lungs, it was easy for her to determine the junk was building up again. So very knocked out and lethargic, but trying to get things done. I nearly flipped a week after the hospital with what I got in the mail. Over 2 grand for the ER and even though it was medically necessary to go home in an ambulance due to the fact that I needed oxygen, I got a bill for over a grand for the 9 mile ride. (Donations gratefully accepted! lol) So .... ain't no fun getting old! LOL Anyway, appreciate extra prayers if you've a mind to; thanks. And by the way.... If you DO have a mind to pray for others, just as I have monthly Masses said for the customers of BattleBeads, (← please click, share and "LIKE" this page and get me over a thousand!) I've made a FaceBook page for the BattleBeads Prayer Warriors which will also share in monthly Masses. Just join or "LIKE" the page to join us! You can go there to see who needs prayers and pray; but if you can't make it once in a while, God knows who's on the page and who needs what, so you can simply include the BattleBeads Prayer Warriors intentions in your daily prayers. Easy enough, huh? So, in closing, I will do my best to get to everything as soon as I can and I thank you for your patience. The folks that have been waiting really long will also receive a little 'thank you' with their orders! Blessings and please pray for me and my caregiver, Carl who also now has pneumonia as well and was in the hospital for a few days with it, but home now. Please pray that his pancreatic cancer is totally gone and never returns ... God's Will be done in all. Thanks!
I"m also thinking of a special deal to go with the Jubilee Year of Divine Mercy .... will announce shortly :)

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