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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

On January 1, the Church commemorates the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God- the greatest title of Mary. This feast in the oldest Marian feast of the church of Rome and it celebrates Mary's vocation to be the mother of Jesus Christ. Through Mary, Jesus Christ entered this world, taking on human flesh and a human soul. Jesus is true God and true man. In His Person are united both a divine nature and a human nature. Mary is in every history with Jesus and by her intercession we obtain all necessary graces to our life. Besides, being the Mother of God, Mary assumed the mother of all humanity working and helping all those who seek her. So when we look at the image of the Virgin Mary we feel an encouragement in our hearts which fortifies our spirituality and comforts our souls. It is the fragrance of the immense and grandiose love. Let us reach out to her in all our trials in this valley of tears, knowing that in all things, she always leads us to her Son.

On this day also, I celebrate my 3rd renewal of the deMontfort Consecration to our Lady. **All that I am, all that I have, to Jesus, through Mary ... here in time and forever in eternity!** This 33 day process before the actual consecration date is one of the best ways I know of to s
trengthen our Faith and grow in holiness. It is a discipline of love and the benefits are truly *out of this world*. Let me encourage everyone to make the effort to dedicate themselves more fully to Jesus through Mary our mother and commit faithfully to the daily recitation and meditation of the most holy rosary, especially for these times in which we find ourselves living today. The consecration may be made anytime throughout the year, but generally will culminate on a feast day of our Lady. The schedules and all information may be obtained free by this wonderful organization which is dedicated to this most efficacious practice. If you don't readily find the link on the right side of this blog, let me give it to you here so you can take advantage of this totally wonderful offer and begin your journey to deeper Faith at your first opportunity. http://myconsecration.org
The next date to begin is January 9th ... and ending on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on February 11th. Make your decision today and begin this YEAR OF FAITH more deeply committed to our Savior and our Blessed Mother for all eternity! 
Please keep all world leaders, the conversion of souls (especially the lukewarm and fallen away) and the suffering souls in purgatory in your daily prayers! 

 Entrusting the Church to Mary 
Oh Mother of all peoples; you know all their sufferings and their hopes. You maternally feel all their struggles between good and evil, between the light and the darkness which shake the world. Receive our cry, directed in the Holy Spirit straight to your Heart and, with the love of the Mother and Handmaid of the Lord, embrace the individuals and peoples which most look for this embrace, together with the individuals and peoples to whose trust you attend in a particular way. Take the entire human family under your maternal protection. With outflows of affection, oh Mother, we entrust it to you. May the time of peace and liberty approach for all, the time of truth, justice and hope. Amen. 

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