What's Inside ...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Blessed Christmas to One and ALL!

We all need to take a moment and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas ... particularly in view of recent national events.

This Christmas we remember those who courageously called for forgiveness in times of suffering. Americans shine above all when we forgive those who hurt families and our country. Unfortunately America's violence is never ending because we rely too much on politicians and judges who continue to make unjust laws against God. Let us pray and never fail in our efforts to restore God and Prayer in this Nation. God and USA are inseparable. No human law can change that. Let us all remember the Holy Family and Infant Jesus that He came to this world and died for us. Let us pray without ceasing to TRULY once again become ONE NATION UNDER GOD! God Bless America.

 Solemnity of Christmas

On December 25, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Christmas, a holy day of obligation. Of all the Christian feasts, Christmas is perhaps the most beloved and the most popular. On Christmas we celebrate the temporal birth of the Lord Jesus Christ two thousand years ago. We celebrate His eternal birth from the Father in the splendors of the Godhead. But we celebrate also a third birth of Our Lord, the birth for which Advent has been particularly preparing us, the birth which occurs every Christmas - it is the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Church, His birth in those who are the members of the Body of Christ, so His birth in the souls of each of us here, and in the souls of all throughout the world, who receive Him on this day having confessed their sins and opened their hearts in faith and love.

On Christmas, let us adore Jesus in the Eucharist. Let us adore Him through frequent visits to Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament in our tabernacles. Let us adore Him at that real mystical Bethlehem which is His Eucharistic Presence. So as with the ears of our spirit we hear the angels' voices on Christmas, let our voices, in the joy of our hearts, blend with theirs:

Click here for the Holy Father's Christmas Message

Glory to God in the highest
and peace to his people on earth!

This program is from ChurchMilitant.TV


  1. Wishing you a Merry and blessed Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  2. Sorry Teresa .. just saw this! Hoping you, hubby and all you hold dear had a blessed Christmas and let's HOPE the New Year will be kinder to us all!
    Blessings always! :)
