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Friday, July 1, 2011

John Corapi's Independence Day Message

God Bless America.  Now and Forever. 

Another 4th of July is here, and we would do well to remember where we came from as we enjoy the day with family and friends. We’ve frequently heard that “freedom isn’t free” ever since the day of infamy we call 911. Freedom is a great thing. The Author and focal point of Christianity, Jesus Christ, said that “He came to set the captives free,” and that He willed that we live in the “glorious freedom of the children of God.” So, authentic freedom is a Godly thing. The oppression of peoples, the persecution of any group—whether religious, ethnic, political, social, etc. is almost always an ungodly thing. Even those charged with the responsibility of safeguarding others, whether in government, churches, or families, can fail.
Wherever justice is subverted in the name of expediency, or through abuse of authority truly freedom-loving people should raise their voices against it. There is no shortage of such causes today. In the future the Black Sheep Dog will be doing what he can to sound the alarm and exhort the troops.
When I chose the title of my autobiography, soon to be published, I chose the title “The Black Sheep Dog” as a contraction of the two realities of a black sheep and a sheep dog, hence the Black Sheep Dog. I felt that title best fit me. An article that had a great influence on me was one written by LTC (Ret) Dave Grossman, the author of “On Killing.” LTC Grossman is a retired Army Ranger who has trained many military and law enforcement personnel. He also has a PHD.
I’ve included LTC Grossman’s article, “On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs” and I hope that you can relate his words of wisdom to the broader fields of spiritual and social action.
So, please consider Colonel Grossman’s words from his article as you enter your weekend celebration of our nation’s birthday.  
Click here to listen to 'Thoughts on Sheep, Sheepdogs, and Independence'

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