What's Inside ...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cardinal Robert Sarah: Divine Justice Will Fall ...

Cardinal Robert Sarah is warning that priests who fail in their duty to oppose the breakdown of morality in modern society,particularly pro-abortion and anti-family policies, will receive the condemnation of God.

 Sarah quoted the prophesy of Ezechiel found in chapter 34:2-4:“‘Son of man, prophesy against the pastors of Israel to pastor themselves.  Should not the pastors feed the flock? You have been fed with milk, you have dressed yourselves with wool.  You have not strengthened the weak lambs,cared for those who were sick, healed those who were injured.  You have not restored those who have strayed, searched for those who were lost.  But you have governed them with violence and hardness.’ (Ez. 34:2-4)”
“These reproaches are serious, but more important is the offense that we have committed against God when,having received the responsibility of caring for the spiritual good of all, we mistreat souls by depriving them of the true teaching of the doctrine of regarding God,regarding man,and the fundamental values of human existence,” the cardinal added.  

Click here to read the entire sermon.

Cardinal Sarah, who was appointed to the presidency of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum in 2010, is overseeing a radical restructuring of the Catholic Church’s international development aid programs. These have been criticized for a secular mentality that ignores the spiritual needs of recipients, often promoting values that are opposed to Catholicism, including the legalization of abortion and homosexual unions.

In late May, Sarah gave an address to the Church’s largest coalition of aid organizations,Caritas Internationalis,in which he noted a “serious moral regression and gradual ‘silent apostasy’” in the western world. He also noted that foreign aid for Catholics “is not merely philanthropic and humanitarian assistance aimed at relieving a certain kind of distress, but also and above all it entails giving back to human persons all their dignity as children of God, and promoting an anthropology that also encompasses the religious dimension of human persons, namely their encounter with God.”

In his June 25 address, Sarah notes that in modern society “we no longer know what is evil and what is good. There are a multitude of points of view. Today,we call white what we once called black, and vice versa. What is serious,and make no mistake about it, is the transformation of error into a rule of life.

“In this context,as priests,pastors and guides of the People of God, you should be continuously focused on being always loyal to the doctrine of Christ. It is necessary for you to constantly strive to acquire the sensitivity of conscience, the faithful respect for dogma and morality, which constitute the deposit of faith and the common patrimony of the Church of Christ.”

From: LifeSiteNews.com

And on the same page .......

Saturday, July 30, 2011


As someone familiar with the Fatima messages, the following may or may not shock you. It is indeed my purpose to get your utmost attention and to have you take specific action from what you read in this article.
Blessed Pope John Paul II stated we were living in a world that was facing “the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, between the Gospel and the anti-Gospel”. He further stated that “we must be prepared to undergo great trials in the near future. Trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives…and we must make a total gift of ourselves to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine it is possible to alleviate this coming tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it. It is only in this way the Church can be renewed”.
The attacks against the Catholic Church and Christianity grow more severe with each month. Pope Benedict XVI in commenting on the sexual abuse scandal of the Priesthood stated: “as a result, the faith as such has become not believable, and the Church can no longer present herself credibly as the herald of the Lord”. In 2005, the Pope said the Church was….” a boat about to sink, a boat taking in water on every side”.
Because you have accepted the Fatima message, you have been given insight into the moral state of the world and the Church as described by our recent Popes. Most do not see these truths! Indeed, Blessed Pope John Paul II stated that... “I do not think that wide circles of the Christian community realize fully….that we are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through”.
You are reading this article because God now wants those who have been given this gift of knowledge and understanding to act…to take very specific actions that will protect your Faith and the Faith of your loved ones as the attacks on Catholicism and Christianity grow more severe and more violent in the future.
The enemies of Christ are now quite numerous and many hide behind outward, mild appearances. Many who are now fallen away or lukewarm will easily turn on Christ and His followers if it is in their selfish interest to do so…as they do not have the “strong roots” necessary as the Lord described in the parable of the weeds and the wheat! Only about 16% (or 1 in 7) Americans now worship each and every Sunday and only 1% confess their sins in the Sacrament on a regular monthly basis. How low do these statistics need to go before we act…no bell will go off…but we should hear the voice of the Holy Spirit saying: “It is time for action and courage”.
The bitter truth is that few people (less than 1% of the world’s population) has listened to and followed the Fatima message from God. So, what is God asking us to do?
First, be truly devoted to His Mother’s Immaculate Heart. But what does this mean?
The foundation to fully unleash the grace God wishes to give is to make and live one’s Consecration to God through Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Such Consecration is simply a formal pledge to seek to imitate Christ by imitating Mary…to take Mary as the same Mother that Christ has. It means to acknowledge our Baptismal promises in a new and diligent way…to fulfill our only purpose to the fullest possible degree here on earth: to know, love and serve God with all our heart, mind and strength. This is much less a “devotional” extra than it is an authentic way of Catholic perfection…to the full maturation of our purpose for existence.
The Consecration (according to the method recommended by Blessed Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI) follows the guidance of St. Louis de Montfort, who was inspired by the Holy Spirit, and takes 5 to 10 minutes per day for 33 days. It is a very small act of sacrifice for one of the greatest rewards you will ever receive: achieving the purpose for which God created you!
Go to www.MyConsecration.org to receive your free ("yes, truly free") materials to make your Consecration. Please understand you are not making a permanent vow, you are simply promising God you will do your best to imitate Him through His Mother’s special help and protection. God wants this from us…how can we deny Him?
The second element of the devotion to Mary’s Immaculate Heart is the praying of the daily Rosary. This is the critical daily step to truly living this life of Christ as you will be contemplating the “face of Christ” and the life of Jesus and Mary and looking for ways that you will imitate their daily lives! Most people don’t know how to pray the Rosary, but instead rush through it seeking to finish the duty and cross it off the list. No! This is a daily dialogue of love that must be entered into with care and patience. See “How to Really Pray the Rosary” at myconsecration.org.
The third element is to wear the Brown Scapular, which is a physical reminder to us and a symbol to others that we have made the promise to imitate Christ by imitating His Mother. One of the main reasons to wear it is that it forces us to deal with and overcome human respect and what others may think of us, and instead to focus on what God thinks of us.
The fourth element is to practice the First Saturday devotion. By going to Holy Mass, receiving our Lord in the Eucharist, praying the Rosary and meditating 15 minutes on the life of Mary in the mysteries (especially her sufferings which contribute to our salvation), we fulfill God’s specific request to honor His Mother and her role, and we assure ourselves eternal salvation if we persevere. How could we turn down this request? Our only purpose will be achieved with God’s own divine assurance!
The fifth and final element is to offer your daily duty, all your thoughts, words and actions, such that God will draw you to His highest embrace…the transforming union where: “it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me”. This is a reality that God wants us to experience! How can we be so cold to deny Him?
What is missing? Spreading this knowledge, this gift of the Holy Spirit to all your family, friends and fellow Parishioners. What are you specifically doing to help others understand God’s requests? Action, effort is needed! This is proof of our love! Simon, Simon do you love Me? Feed my sheep! These words are meant for all of us. God wants action! Be not afraid!
The attacks on the Church, the Priests and our Faith will grow and become more severe. You will not be able to survive this onslaught of Satan without the protection of God He has given to His Mother to implement on His behalf. God chose a Mother for protection as a child on earth. He is asking us to do the same: choose His Mother for protection of our precious Faith…that which is needed to obtain Eternal Life! How can we deny God this request? I would submit to you that it is the most important request God will make of you.

This article was written by Anthony Mullen; Chairman of MyConsecration.org
and The Children of the Father Foundation

My friend Ray sent this email to me and I just had to pass it on. Please feel free to email it or post it on your blogs so as many as possible can take advantage of this IMPORTANT INFORMATION! I can tell you the FREE materials they offer are just phenomenal!  Please strongly consider starting this devotion in your parishes, I can promise you that it will not only make our Lady and our Lord smile, but will bring down many blessings on your congregation and community. 
You will be blown away with the quality and depth of this totally free offering! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Faithful ... Even Unto Death!

Cardinal Burke Speaks at “Being Faithful, Even Unto Death” Conference
Cardinal Burke: Life Demands Greatest Respect And Care

Respect For the Dignity of Human Life Is the Foundation of Good Order In
Our Individual Lives and Our Society
Cardinal Burke Speaks at “Being Faithful, Even Unto Death” Conference

At a Kansas City conference on end-of-life care, Cardinal Raymond Burke said that suffering does not cause a person to have less meaning in his life, nor does it give
the government the right to decide if that person should live or die.

“No matter how much a life is diminished, no matter what suffering the
person is undergoing, that life demands the greatest respect and care,”
Cardinal Burke, prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, told CNA.

“Its never right to snuff out a life because its in some way under heavy

Cardinal Burke spoke July 23 to a packed auditorium of over 350 people at
the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kan. on the “mystery” of human suffering
and dying for his keynote address at the “Being Faithful, Even Unto Death”

The meeting, organized by the St. Gianna Physician’s Guild, addressed
medical issues surrounding those suffering and those at the end of their
lives. The event was the first initiative of its kind for the group.

In his speech on Saturday, Cardinal Burke said that human suffering can
only be understood in light of the “gift” and “dignity” of human life.

“Human life is a gift to be accorded the highest respect and care from its
beginning until natural death,” he emphasized. “We are not the creators of
human life and must respect the plan of the author of life for us and for
our world.”

The cardinal stressed the importance of Catholics giving end-of-life care
more attention, in light of cases involving vulnerable people such as Teri
Schindler Schiavo – a severely disabled Florida woman who was deprived of
nutrition and hydration by court order and her husbands request in 2005.

He underscored that nutrition and hydration are part of “basic human care”
and to deprive patients of such care is not in any way “compassionate.”

Rather, “deliberately taking the life of an innocent human person is
intrinsically evil and therefore, is never justified,” he said.

Along with the need for Catholics in general to be more informed on Church
teaching about euthanasia, Cardinal Burke put special emphasis on Catholic
students and seminarians being well versed on the topic.

All students, he said, should “pursue a certain number of courses of
philosophy, so that in whatever field they specialize in,” they will use a
logical, faith-filled approach to life issues.

Ultimately, he noted, “respect for the dignity of human life is the
foundation of good order in our individual lives and our society.”

Without this respect, “our personal lives become profoundly disordered and
society soon becomes a theater of violence and death.”

Cardinal Burke told CNA in comments following his talk that a Christian
worldview isnt necessary for people to agree that society does not have the
right to determine who lives or dies.

He said that “right reason” alone is enough for people from different
perspectives to enter into productive dialogue on the issue.

Also speaking at the event on Saturday was Dr. Gianna Emanuela Molla who
discussed the spirituality, life and legacy of her mother, Saint Gianna
Beretta Molla.

Dr. Molla’s mother was declared a saint in 2004 by the Catholic Church and
is known for her heroism in choosing a risky operation to save her daughter
Gianna’s life when she was two months pregnant. The conference marks the
first visit to the U.S. for St. Gianna’s daughter.

Other speakers included geriatric specialist Dr. Austin Welsh, Thomas More
Society executive director Peter Breen, and Bobby Schindler and Suzanne
Vitadamo – both siblings of Teri Schiavo.

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City and Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas
City-St. Joseph also attended the event.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lectio Divina - the Pelianito Journal Blog

I have a link here on the side for the wonderful Pelianito Journal Blog, but I wanted to promote it here so all might become aware of this prayerful humble lady and what she is passing along through Lectio Divina which is different from locutions and apparitions, although communication still exists.
Lectio Divina, literally meaning "divine reading," is an ancient practice of praying the scriptures. During Lectio Divina, the practitioner listens to the text of the Bible with the "ear of the heart," as if he or she is in conversation with God, and God is suggesting the topics for discussion.
The method of Lectio Divina includes moments of reading (lectio), reflecting on (meditatio), responding to (oratio) and resting in (contemplatio) the Word of God with the aim of nourishing and deepening one's relationship with the Divine.

I have spoken with this lady by phone and I can tell you she is genuine. We have maintained contact for a while now and very often, her posts are very similar to what others have posted (Mark Mallett, for instance) and even on occasion myself. I have not in all the time I've read her blog or spoken with or emailed her, ever seen one thing that wasn't of God.
I will include this most recent post of hers and you can visit her blog with the link that I provide at the end of this article.

Thursday, July 24, 2011

2 Corinthians 5:2 For in this tent we groan, longing to be further clothed with our
heavenly habitation.

"Beloved, My Love is deeply wounded by the great and many sins of the age. My Love is
challenged and tested in every place on earth. What is Love--perfect Love--to do when
it is challenged and tested? Perfect Love, My child, can only love. Then what response
to sin can Love make? Love must act to restore love in the world. What the thief has
stolen, the Landlord will restore a thousand, thousand times over. The battle
intensifies, My children, but Love will triumph more gloriously than can be imagined
by the mortal mind. The Era of Peace will also be known as the Era of Love. How My
heart has longed for this day! Do you see how human history since The Fall has been
leading to this day? The earth itself is groaning and heaving as a woman in labor. The
birth pains are upon her and there is no turning back. Pray ever more for souls, My
children. The more that convert, the easier will be the delivery into the new era."

Revelations 2: 12 She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to
heaven, especially those most in need of Your Mercy. Jesus we trust in Your Merciful,
perfect Love. Save souls! Amen.

The Pelianito blog may be accessed at www.pelianito.stblogs.com

Monday, July 25, 2011

Judgement to fall upon Priests?

This was sent to me this evening by a friend ... please keep  Cardinal Sarah in your daily prayers for strength .. he's going to need it ... may more follow his fine example!

Cardinal Robert Sarah is warning that priests who fail in their duty to oppose the breakdown of morality in modern society, particularly pro-abortion and anti-family policies, will receive the condemnation of God.

In a sermon delivered on June 25 to seminarians of the Community of St. Martin, whom he was about to ordain to the priesthood and deaconate, Sarah admonished his listeners, "if we have fear of proclaiming the truth of the Gospel, if we are ashamed of denouncing the grave deviations in the area of morality, if we accommodate ourselves to this world of moral laxity and religious and ethical relativism, if we are afraid to energetically denounce the abominable laws regarding the new global ethos, regarding marriage, the family in all of its forms, abortion, laws in total opposition to the laws of nature and of God, and that the western nations and cultures are promoting and imposing thanks to the mass media and their economic power, then the prophetic words of Ezechiel will fall on us as a grave divine reproach."

Sarah quoted the prophesy of Ezechiel found in chapter 34:2-4: "'Son of man, prophesy against the pastors of Israel to pastor themselves.  Should not the pastors feed the flock? You have been fed with milk, you have dressed yourselves with wool.  You have not strengthened the weak lambs, cared for those who were sick, healed those who were injured.  You have not restored those who have strayed, searched for those who were lost.  But you have governed them with violence and hardness.' (Ez. 34: 2-4)"

"These reproaches are serious, but more important is the offense that we have committed against God when, having received the responsibility of caring for the spiritual good of all, we mistreat souls by depriving them of the true teaching of the doctrine of regarding God, regarding man, and the fundamental values of human existence," the cardinal added. Click here to read the entire sermon.

Cardinal Sarah, who was appointed to the presidency of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum in 2010, is overseeing a radical restructuring of the Catholic Church's international development aid programs. These have been criticized for a secular mentality that ignores the spiritual needs of recipients, often promoting values that are opposed to Catholicism, including the legalization of abortion and homosexual unions.

In late May, Sarah gave an address to the Church's largest coalition of aid organizations, Caritas Internationalis, in which he noted a "serious moral regression and gradual 'silent apostasy'" in the western world. He also noted that foreign aid for Catholics "is not merely philanthropic and humanitarian assistance aimed at relieving a certain kind of distress, but also and above all it entails giving back to human persons all their dignity as children of God, and promoting an anthropology that also encompasses the religious dimension of human persons, namely their encounter with God."

In his June 25 address, Sarah notes that in modern society "we no longer know what is evil and what is good. There are a multitude of points of view.  Today, we call white what we once called black, and vice versa.  What is serious, and make no mistake about it, is the transformation of error into a rule of life. 

"In this context, as priests, pastors and guides of the People of God, you should be continuously focused on being always loyal to the doctrine of Christ.  It is necessary for you to constantly strive to acquire the sensitivity of conscience, the faithful respect for dogma and morality, which constitute the deposit of faith and the common patrimony of the Church of Christ."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

..... For the WORLD .....

I have decided to put this up as is ... perhaps later I will edit it or make corrections as needed, but now, it's just going up. 

I've had a rough couple weeks with health issues, not weather related, but at times may as well have been. At any rate, the Good Lord has heard the many prayers that were offered and by His Goodness and Mercy, I'm feeling a little more up to speed again, praise His Holy Name :)
Yesterday, in particular I had an unexpected severe panic type situation where I was trying to stave off a certain attack that seemed imminent. I haven't taken scripts other than a B/P pill or occasional arthritis med for some time now, and I couldn't readily find the medication I needed. I don't LIKE prescription meds and keep them out of sight most of the time. This happened just as I was about to do my daily 3pm's (which BEGIN at 2 now LOL).

For months now, it seems that it's been increasingly more difficult to keep my prayer time. It's been a battle on occasion to keep it or make up for what was missed, sometimes even in the middle of the night. However, yesterday, I was a "MAD WOMAN" in fear and on a mission to find that dang pill. Sentences were just spewing from my lips,  being blurted out without much thought before hand. My words were strong with intensity of feeling perhaps on the verge of screaming! Some would say I was having an "episode" lol ... perhaps I was. However, one of the things I recall saying with a vengeance and anger was: "You think you're gonna stop me from praying? .. Well YOU'RE NOT, you stupid ugly thing .. I'm only going to PRAY MORE AND MORE!" I did find the pill .. I sat down, took up my rosary and began praying with a fervor and intensity that is not often experienced.

There was something I said during this time in my petitions that hit me between the eyes as if I didn't know what I was saying until I heard it. For the life of me, I don't know what it is now, but I know it was significant and left me with more strength and closer to the Two Hearts :) I know it was pleasing to the Trinity and our Lady so it must have been put on my lips by the Holy Spirit, Himself :) Since then, I have the deep peace and joy that sometimes comes as a treasure from heaven. Only a few times have I felt this and it makes me realize how FULL OF GRACE our Lady MUST have HAD to be in order to be ABLE to CONTAIN her LOVE of God. As humans, I don't believe we have the capacity to hold a minuscule amount of the heavenly joy that awaits us in eternity.  I believe this is why we have heard that some priests and lay folks have actually died from joy.

I have been asking (begging really) to love God more. During some of these petitioning times, it has occurred to me that when we love God (Who deserves everything anyway), it's US who actually RECEIVE. I'm hoping I say this right so I can make folks really understand. When we love God truly, it comes back to US in JOY .... supernatural joy. This joy is a glorious GIFT from heaven. Now, we do not want to love God only so that we can obtain this joyful gift .. I doubt that would work anyway! LOL ... But when we genuinely seek to love Him BECAUSE of HIM, we are filled with all good things. I think that's where "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all else will be added unto you. " comes in. Our Heavenly Father will not be outdone in generosity! :)

I SO love my prayer time, it's far from a chore ... though, there have been dry times and dark nights that make it seem so. But mostly, I always learn something new, even if it's only the way an animal in the stable moved or the way the Cross sounded when it dragged behind Him as He stumbled under its weight. Yesterday, it left me with a very clear impression about LOVE.
Three things I have tried to share with as many that would listen that came to me in this same way. The first got a Nihil Obstat and is the USA Chaplet. The second is the Public Penance Project that never got off the ground. The third is the Petition to beg God to empty purgatory into heaven daily during the Hour of Divine Mercy. And this one is related to LOVE .... TO LOVE JESUS FOR THE WORLD ... THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!

We've all heard the expression "Not for the WORLD!" Mostly used in reference to show our love for something we hold dear. "Would you trade your good husband for a rolls royce?" "NOT FOR THE WORLD!" How about all the things the world tries to give us, or more aptly put; tries to lure us in with. And we all  know who's holding that fishing rod, right? The ole boy knows us better than we know ourselves and that includes our weaknesses which we try to fool ourselves into thinking are nil to none. Lets face it, the world has a lot to offer. Lots of noise, sparkle, hoopla and sensations to keep us entertained quite a long time ... a lifetime, in fact.

The world, our jobs, school, clubs, leisure activities and problems of the day don't leave us much time to even think let alone do anything else but just collapse into our easy chairs at the end of the day and zone out with the tube, which, with its programming and advertising, throws more 'world' in our faces at intense and voracious speeds. We hobble off to bed where, if we're lucky enough to calm our minds we may fall off to sleep within a reasonable time so that we can wake up the next morning to do it all again. Do we stop to think WHO gives us that next breath we need TO wake up that next morning to do it all again?

I have said it for years that we give more time and consideration to our hobbies and leisure activities than we do to the Holy Trinity and the Holy Family ... right ... we also, all too often forget St. Joseph! But if not for Jesus, who could even take his next breath? You can call it science or bodily functions or what ever you want, but just remember WHO put those things together from the foundation of the universe.

Jesus gave His ALL for us when He knew so many would mock, ridicule and even hate Him in return, yet He still did it. His love and mercy is INFINITE and PERFECT. What we throw at Him in return is a JOKE most of the time in comparison. And should certainly make us hang our heads in shame and utter disgust. He cuts us a lot of slack, He knows our human condition as well as living life here in this valley of tears. I can't even CONCEIVE of the patience and will and LOVE it took for the King of the Universe to take on human flesh and be born as we are. Waiting 9 months in the very womb that He, Himself created from nothingness. The vulnerable time during infancy and being a toddler when He Who created the stars, the seas, the vegetation and the creatures had to be taught how to eat and walk and talk like the rest of us. Do we ever think of this?

If we are well versed in some task and perhaps are teaching another, do we not sometimes become impatient to see their slow progress? Just imagine .. not only is Jesus well versed in EVERYTHING, but HE created everything with a Thought, an Act of Will ... and then willingly subjects Himself to this painstakingly long time of learning just to function in our world. For LOVE OF US. To reach us on OUR LEVEL, so WE would better UNDERSTAND. He did this so that He could DIE FOR US. He came to GIVE HIS ALL .. every drop of His Precious Blood, Every Breath ... unto the most shameful Death on a Cross. The Perfect Lamb, Beloved of the Father and Beloved of my soul!

Yet so many forget Him. Don't care what He did. Don't believe He's really there. Don't appreciate the GIFT. Too busy with their lives and things that they don't have time for God.
I have been begging God to let me love Him more. Now I know why and I ask you all to join me. Jesus' Sacred Heart BURNS with LOVE FOR US. He is perfect so His pain must be greater than we can even imagine. In your daily prayers (and if you do not have a prayer schedule ... Please do YOURSELF a favor and MAKE one!) beg God to let you love Him more! Beg forgiveness for those that don't love Him or know Him or even WANT to KNOW Him. [The Pardon Prayer with the Pardon Crucifix is good for this: Hold and devoutly kiss the Pardon Crucifix and say: "I believe, I adore, I hope and I love. I beg pardon for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love."] We need to comfort His Sacred Heart. He longed for comfort in the Garden, He deserves to be comforted now and forever for all He's done and given to us miserable sinners.

Let's do what we can ... no, let's do our BEST to begin a movement; a campaign of LOVE for Jesus. To truly try to give Him the love He deserves that has been withheld from Him for one reason or another. Ask God to help you and give you the grace you need to love Him more and then to even love Him for all those that don't or WON'T love Him. Beg God to let you love Him for the whole world!

Let's all pray: "LORD, let me love You FOR THE WORLD!"

Now, as I type this, I'm seeing mugs, tee shirts, balloons, messages everywhere: LORD, Let me love You FOR THE WORLD! How wonderful if we could get everyone at least SEEING that ... perhaps some might even THINK of it and others might even be led to find out how they can help! Write it on your cards, email .. put it on your blogs, print it out and hang it on your walls, take a magic marker and write it on your mugs and tee shirts!!! LOL ... Now I feel like a woman with a mission again ... a GOOD MISSION!

Jesus DESERVES all the love we can give ... and there's SO MUCH He's not getting that He deserves. His Sweet Precious Heart ACHES indescribably with anguish not because He *needs* our love or even simply just wants it .. I believe He aches so because He knows what loving HIM gives TO US. His love is so PURE, GENUINE, PERFECT and JUST that He WANTS us to have that little taste of heaven that only loving Him can produce in our souls!!! Like many things ... the parables, the way He would teach and live and talk .... Making it seem like we're GIVING something to Him or each other ... when in reality, our actions permit GRACE to flow so that HE can GIVE TO US. Generous GRACIOUS MOST LOVING LORD, I cannot contain what I'm feeling now! Praise Your Holy and Magnificent Name!

If the WORLD loved Jesus, there would be NO CONFLICTS! If the WORLD loved Jesus, we could trust anyone and never hear the words war, terrorism or hate! If the world loved Jesus ... we would have heaven on earth ... and we will; ONE DAY.

"LORD, let me love You FOR THE WORLD!"

Friday, July 22, 2011

Pro Choice? Have a look see ....

Found this and wanted to share ... very important stuff!

"The abortion clinic is not like a birthing center. You won’t find caring people, soft lighting, and comfortable chairs. You won’t have intimate heart-to-hearts with nurses who remind you of your great-aunt and doctors who remind you of your grandpa. You will find instruments of death and people who want your money. It’s a joke that these places are even referred to as 'health care' facilities. They are factories, and the products they manufacture are dead children and wounded, empty women."

Thanks to: Kristen Walker, author of
Eve's Ransom... visit her blog:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Second Miracle CONFIRMED for Sister Marianne Cope

From my friend Adelaide in Denmark who keeps me informed on all things concerning miracles ... please keep her and her dear son Bruno in your daily prayers! :)

The cause for sainthood of Blessed Hawaiian nun Marianne Cope has received Vatican approval of a second miracle. A group of doctors from the Vatican's Congregation for Causes of Saints declared there is no medical explanation for the cure of a woman who was on her deathbed and made a miraculous recovery.

No other details on the case have been released.

Before moving to Hawaii in 1883 to help care for those suffering with leprosy, Marianne Cope worked as a member of the Sisters of St. Francis in Syracuse, New York. Her cause for beatification has been taken up there.

The miracle approved on June 16 must undergo two more examinations by theologians and a group of cardinals before being presented to the pope for approval. She could then be declared a saint. 

from: Romereports.com 

Friday, July 15, 2011

"To Bear the Wounds of Christ" Retreat for Priests, Deacons, Religious August 3-4, 2011

Please contact all priests that you know and tell them of this very special "once-in-a-lifetime" FREE event in Vandalia, IL!

On August 1, Fr. Ermelindo Di Capua, from the Shrine of Padre Pio in Italy, will arrive in Vandalia with St. Padre Pio's glove and part of the scab from the stigmata he bore for over 50 years. Fr. Ermelindo actually lived with Padre Pio and served as the liaison between the Saint and the English speaking pilgrims who came to San Giovanni Rotondo to seek the counsel and blessing of Padre Pio. Fr. is currently assistant editor of the periodical, "Voice of Padre Pio".

Father will stay at Our Sorrowful Mother's Ministry from August 1-8. When he travels to many places in the world to speak on Padre Pio and bless the faithful with relics, he brings one of the gloves that covered the Stigmata of Padre Pio (a 2nd class relic), and a small piece of scab or blood serum from the Stigmata (a 1st class relic).

A very special 2 day event is planned for August 3-4 at Mother of Dolors Church in Vandalia, IL for priests and religious. The relics and glove will be on display in the church for veneration and prayer. Please plan to attend this once in a lifetime retreat with Msgr. Swetland of Mt. St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD, and host of EWTN's "Catholicism on Campus" and Fr. Ermelindo Di Capua from the Shrine of Padre Pio in Italy. Details and registration information are below.

• Msgr. Stuart Swetland, STD, will be retreat master for this amazing retreat with special guest Fr. Ermelindo with glove and relics for your veneration and prayer.

• This FREE Retreat is from 10am on Wednessday to 4pm Thursday.

• We have secured a discounted rate for lodging at the Vandalia Holiday Inn with complimentary breakfasts. Please call and make your personal reservation soon (618-283-0010). Home cooked lunches and dinners will be provided for you during the retreat for $8 per meal.

• Priests, please bring your own alb, stole or vestmentts.

• Register early, as seeating is limited. Call Mariann at 618-292-8039 or Ann at 618-267-3876, or you may reserve your space online. If registering online, simply register for the August 3rd retreat.

Reserve Online

Event will be held at:
Mother of Dolors Church
322 N. 7th St.
Vandalia, IL 62471

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Coming Persecution

It's very true ... once love and Faith have grown cold, persecution is not far behind.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Little more Insight into the Corapi Case

UPDATE: July 8, 2011
This is added here as a matter of fact. I didn't want to make a new post to perseverate the sensationalism of the topic. Here is the 1st video of John Corapi after Fr. Corapi layed his collar down. God forgive me for being critical, perhaps it's my hurt that's speaking, but I would have thought he would have worn something a little more benign his first time out rather than a Harley Davidson leather jacket :-( I AM praying for him ... I care for him and about him very much. But I must tell the truth and say there's a part of me that just wants to slap him and yell "WAKE UP"! :-(
I know we don't know all the facts and likely never will .. but the obedience thing really bothers me. The way things have unfolded, it appears that he's traded his collar for celebrity :-( Please God that I'm wrong! 
Many have felt betrayed by his decision. We really have no right to feel that way and we shouldn't. This is between him and God. It's sad we lost a good general in uniform for our battle is far from over. He says he will continue the fight in some form, albeit, without the 'uniform'. So we shall wait and see what this entails. Perhaps God has a plan for him that our eyes cannot yet see. Perhaps he's following his own will, wanting to sustain his current lifestyle. Only God knows. But this I DO KNOW: We should not be arguing among ourselves nor letting division have the upper hand. It's Jesus, Mary and the Church that we bow to, not any man. Please keep Fr. Corapi and all priests, clergy and laity in your daily prayers .. we all need strengthening these days! And please don't forget this: http://bit.ly/dOdg2l

Father John Corapi, SOLT
SOLT and Father John Corapi:
Superior offers a look into the society's relationship with the charismatic priest.
The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity is in the spotlight, following the allegations of misconduct against one of its members, Father John Corapi. The Register spoke with Father Gerard Sheehan, regional priest servant, based in the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas, to learn more about the charism of the order and its rules for members.

What are the distinctive elements of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Blessed Trinity?
The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Holy Trinity (SOLT) is a society of apostolic life. We were founded in 1958, and now have 160 priests working in 20 countries. We are a society of apostolic life of diocesan right. [A society of “diocesan right” is overseen by one local bishop on behalf of the Church, whereas those of “pontifical right,” like Maryknoll missionaries and the Sulpicians, are directly overseen by the Vatican.] We are a community of priests, sisters and laity, working in ecclesial teams in areas of greatest apostolic need. Father Rogel Rosalinas is the general priest servant; he will have ultimate authority regarding any decision related to the allegations involving Father Corapi.

How did Father Corapi become involved in the ministry that has made him a famous evangelist?
Father James Flanagan, the founder of SOLT, believed that the society would identify people’s gifts and then allow them a degree of freedom to conduct their apostolic work.
While Father Corapi was still in the seminary, Father Flanagan discerned that he had a gift for apostolic preaching. The founder felt that Father Corapi needed a lot of freedom and prayer to offer that gift for the Church.
Initially, Father Corapi was allowed to live an eremitic life in a cottage on a compound with a community of sisters. Father Corapi stayed there for some time, conducting parish missions. Ultimately, he moved into his own home.
His preaching had tremendous results and many people were converted to the faith, while others came back to the Church. Many vocations came from his preaching. Subsequently, he began producing tapes that showcased his presentation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the subject of his doctoral dissertation.
He made Santa Cruz Media a for-profit company, he told his superiors, in order to have the proper freedom to proclaim the Gospel without any fear of raising issues that might threaten the company’s tax-exempt status.
He said he would pay his taxes and proclaim the Gospel fearlessly. Father Flanagan allowed him to manage his own funds. No one knew it would become so big.

In a recent public statement, the vice president of operations of Santa Cruz Media, Inc. described the for-profit production company as a “secular corporation and not affiliated with the Catholic Church in any way. As such, we are not under the jurisdiction of any bishop or other official in the Catholic Church.” Would you explain?
You would have to ask Santa Cruz Media what they mean by that.

What is the relationship between Santa Cruz Media and SOLT?
Santa Cruz Media remains completely independent of SOLT. We don’t receive any money, though Father Corapi has made personal donations to the community.

Has SOLT evolved since Father Corapi became a member of the society?

In 1994, our new constitution made SOLT a society of apostolic life. The founder’s arrangement with Father Corapi was established before that time, when Father Flanagan believed that every mission should take care of its own needs.
Now, according to our constitution, a different way of life has been established for members. All the money we make is turned over to the society, which gives us an allowance.
We have begun to address the issues of members who joined the society before the new constitution. The society is moving to a more organized structural phase of its existence, with all the Church discipline that entails.

Register Senior Writer Joan Frawley Desmond writes from Chevy Chase, Maryland.

Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/solt-and-father-john-corapi/#ixzz1RJdRc5h8
Please keep him, his superiors and all involved in your daily prayers ... but most of all ... PLEASE PRAY INTENSELY FOR HIS DEAR MOTHER!!! :-( 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Officially from SOLT re: Corapi

July 5, 2011

From: Rev. Gerard Sheehan, solt Regional Priest Servant Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Robstown, Texas

Fr. John A. Corapi submitted his resignation from the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity ("SOLT") early in June. SOLT is a Society of Apostolic Life of Diocesan Right with its regional office in Robstown, Texas.
While SOLT does not typically comment publicly on personnel matters, it recognizes that Fr. John Corapi, through his ministry, has inspired thousands of faithful Catholics, many of whom continue to express their support of him. SOLT also recognizes that Fr. Corapi is now misleading these individuals through his false statements and characterizations. It is for these Catholics that SOLT, by means of this announcement, seeks to set the record straight.
A woman, well known to Fr. John Corapi, mailed SOLT a signed letter detailing allegations of Fr. Corapi's sexual activity with adult women, abuse of alcohol and drugs, improper sacramental practices, violation of his promise of poverty, and other wrongdoing.
After receiving the allegation, SOLT formed a three person fact-finding team to ensure that it handled this matter in accordance with canonical norms. The team included a priest-canonist, a psychiatrist, and a lawyer. Two were members of religious orders, and one was a lay Catholic. Two were men, and one was a woman. All three have national reputations and substantial experience in ecclesiastical processes related to priest disciplinary issues.
As the Society was engaging this team, Fr. Corapi filed a civil lawsuit against his principal accuser. He contended that she had defamed him and breached her contract. The contract, according to Corapi's lawsuit, contained a provision binding the woman to silence about him. He offered the woman $100,000 to enter this agreement.
SOLT's fact-finding team subsequently learned that Fr. Corapi may have negotiated contracts with other key witnesses that precluded them from speaking with SOLT's fact-finding team. Many of these witnesses likely had key information about the accusations being investigated and declined to answer questions and provide documents.
When the fact-finding team asked Fr. Corapi to dismiss the lawsuit, to forbear from foreclosing his mortgage, and to release her and other individuals from their contractual obligations to remain silent about him, he refused to do so and, through his canonical advocate, stated: "It is not possible for Father Corapi to answer the Commission's questions at this time."
SOLT's fact-finding team has acquired information from Fr. Corapi's e-mails, various witnesses, and public sources that, together, state that, during his years of public ministry:
He did have sexual relations and years of cohabitation (in California and Montana) with a woman known to him, when the relationship began, as a prostitute; He repeatedly abused alcohol and drugs; He has recently engaged in sexting activity with one or more women in Montana; He holds legal title to over $1 million in real estate, numerous luxury vehicles, motorcycles, an ATV, a boat dock, and several motor boats, which is a serious violation of his promise of poverty as a perpetually professed member of the Society.
SOLT has contemporaneously with the issuance of this press release directed Fr. John Corapi, under obedience, to return home to the Society’s regional office and take up residence there. It has also ordered him, again under obedience, to dismiss the lawsuit he has filed against his accuser.

SOLT's prior direction to Fr. John Corapi not to engage in any preaching or teaching, the celebration of the sacraments or other public ministry continues. Catholics should understand that SOLT does not consider Fr. John Corapi as fit for ministry.

Father Sheehan will not be available for comments as he is attending the SOLT General Chapter from July 5-23.

A Very Sad Day Indeed - Corapi Appears Guilty :-(

I'm about to head into prayer but wanted to get just a few lines out regarding John Corapi's situation. His order SOLT, has apparently pronounced that the allegations are true and further more there was cohabitation for years, both in California and Montana. My heart is wounded from this. I know that many feel the same way. He did so much good and was SO loved and respected. This seems like a personal attack on each one of us individually and not just collectively. Satan is having a field day ... I would HOPE & PRAY that *SOMETHING* or *SOMEONE* can turn up *SOMETHING* that might be a bit redeeming ... but it doesn't look hopeful ... BUT God can do all things and as Corapi always said ... He can bring about a greater good from something bad. More from the following links ... I have to pray now :-(


No one has any idea what it does to my to write this :-(

Friday, July 1, 2011

John Corapi's Independence Day Message

God Bless America.  Now and Forever. 

Another 4th of July is here, and we would do well to remember where we came from as we enjoy the day with family and friends. We’ve frequently heard that “freedom isn’t free” ever since the day of infamy we call 911. Freedom is a great thing. The Author and focal point of Christianity, Jesus Christ, said that “He came to set the captives free,” and that He willed that we live in the “glorious freedom of the children of God.” So, authentic freedom is a Godly thing. The oppression of peoples, the persecution of any group—whether religious, ethnic, political, social, etc. is almost always an ungodly thing. Even those charged with the responsibility of safeguarding others, whether in government, churches, or families, can fail.
Wherever justice is subverted in the name of expediency, or through abuse of authority truly freedom-loving people should raise their voices against it. There is no shortage of such causes today. In the future the Black Sheep Dog will be doing what he can to sound the alarm and exhort the troops.
When I chose the title of my autobiography, soon to be published, I chose the title “The Black Sheep Dog” as a contraction of the two realities of a black sheep and a sheep dog, hence the Black Sheep Dog. I felt that title best fit me. An article that had a great influence on me was one written by LTC (Ret) Dave Grossman, the author of “On Killing.” LTC Grossman is a retired Army Ranger who has trained many military and law enforcement personnel. He also has a PHD.
I’ve included LTC Grossman’s article, “On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs” and I hope that you can relate his words of wisdom to the broader fields of spiritual and social action.
So, please consider Colonel Grossman’s words from his article as you enter your weekend celebration of our nation’s birthday.  
Click here to listen to 'Thoughts on Sheep, Sheepdogs, and Independence'