What's Inside ...

Friday, April 22, 2011

We Adore You oh Christ and we Praise You ....

         ... because by Your Holy Cross,
You have redeemed the world!
How often have we gazed upon a Crucifix in our lives? If we grew up in a Catholic family, we likely can't even count how often our eyes fell upon this sometimes uncomfortable Image. But why do we sometimes feel an uncomfortableness? How many times have we looked at it as if it were nothing more than a picture or statue of some familiar object? How many have really taken just 5 solid minutes to seriously LOOK at a Crucifix and meditate on the Savior of the world, thinking how He hung there for all humanity, knowing how He'd be ridiculed, scorned and despised? This Good Friday, I challenge EVERYONE to pray for the grace to truly behold His Suffering and not take it for granted because we're used to seeing it from children. To really study, consider and open our hearts to the Truth of His Eternal Love and Mercy. Yet while we were still sinners He suffered and died for us.

Do we sometimes look away from the Cross? Do we know we've perhaps put worldly plans and ambitions ahead of Jesus and our souls eternal salvation? Do we want to *forget* about the fact that one day we will all meet Him and account for our actions? If we have true love and are in awe of His Immense Sacrifice, we need have no fear of our actions just judgements. For if we have love, we know HIS LOVE is bigger and His Mercy is without bounds ... like Peter, if we trust in His Mercy with a heart full of contrite love, wishing to console Him ... how would He not look tenderly upon us whom He gave ALL for?

We need to CLING to the Cross, not flee from it. We all have our daily little crosses. Doesn't matter what they are ... how big, how small. We need to unite all our actions and yes, even our failings to His Holy Passion. How wonderful that Jesus can even make good out of our failed efforts! Our lives and our very next breath is a gift from our glorious Triune God ... so if we offer our breaths, heartbeats, joys, sorrows, tears, etc., we are praying as we breath, as our heart beats, even as our minds are occupied with the daily routine of jobs or life. This is to pray without ceasing. Let us this Easter beg for the grace to offer grateful hearts to the One that was obedient to the Father, even to death on a Cross, that we may learn to imitate Him and our blessed Mother in bowing to the Father's Will in all things, knowing that all that is below is merely a temporary affliction and that which awaits us is joy beyond measure ...

"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him."

Still unable to locate parts 2 & 3, but wanted to get this up for now anyway. God bless!

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