What's Inside ...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All Who Prayed Rescued Baby Joseph!

A Big THANK YOU To Everyone Who Pitched In To Help!

He was just days away from having his breathing tube removed—and it seemed as if all hope for little Baby Joseph’s rescue was fading fast.

But thanks to you and tens of thousands of your fellow pro-lifers who got involved in this fight, Baby Joseph is now safe and secure in a wonderful Catholic hospital in St. Louis, Missouri—the Cardinal Glennon Childrens Medical Center.

As you know by now, it was touch-and-go there for awhile. It didn’t look like the Canadian health care officials were going to release Baby Joseph. Instead, they were determined to remove his breathing tube and let him die.

But all that changed when you and scores of concerned people contacted the Canadian hospital and said, “Let Baby Joseph GO!”

They finally agreed. And last Sunday night, we got Baby Joseph out of the Canadian hospital… and he, his Dad, and I boarded the special high-tech “air ambulance” designed to handle cases like these… and took him to the brave American hospital that stepped up to the plate in order to give Baby Joseph the care he needs.

Now… the worst is over.

And so, at this time, I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who pitched in to help with this historic fight.

We at Priests For Life are very grateful to you for being among the tens of thousands of pro-lifers who sent e-mails to the doctors and administrators at the Canadian hospital where Baby Joseph would have been forced to die.

This victory just goes to show that when enough good people get involved and work together, miracles happen.

We’re also extremely grateful that the Cardinal Glennon Childrens Hospital—out of dozens of hospitals we contacted—had the intestinal fortitude to stand up to all the political pressure and say, “YES! We’ll take Baby Joseph and care for him! That’s what we do!”

Without them, Baby Joseph had no real hope of survival.

Therefore, I’m writing to ask you to send one more e-mail—this time, a “Thank You” e-mail to the officials at Cardinal Glennon Childrens Hospital—and tell them how thrilled you are that they took in Baby Joseph during the most critical hour in his fight for life.

All you have to do is go to http://www.priestsforlife.org/alert/alert.aspx?id=15, and use the e-mail form that we’ve provided for your convenience.

At the same time, I’d also like to ask for your help in a special way to assist Priests For Life in paying the significant costs we agreed to incur for rescuing Baby Joseph.

For instance, now that Baby Joseph is in a U.S. hospital, we've been told that it could cost as much as $150,000 for his stay in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.

So if you can help us pay down the bills we face, it would be a wonderful gift to Baby Joseph and his parents. There’s simply no way any family could afford the daunting costs of rescuing Baby Joseph. But we committed ourselves to paying the bills, and that’s what we’re going to do.

We’ve established a special “Baby Joseph Fund” specifically for this purpose, so that every dollar you donate goes directly to paying these bills.

Let me tell you… the news media was shocked by what we did in the Baby Joseph rescue effort!

Virtually every major news outlet—from CNN to Fox News, Geraldo, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Yahoo!, the UK Daily Mail, the Associated Press… you name it—came out to cover this story.

We made it clear in every interview and “sound bite” that our Christian duty is to cherish life over the bottom line. No “death panels”!!! We also emphasized that our e-mails to the Canadian health officials were clear, firm, but respectful. We didn’t let this become a verbal “brawl” in any way.

But the pressure they felt from the tens of thousands of e-mails they received from good folks like you is what caused the whole struggle to turn around in our favor over the course of the last week. Prior to that, they fought Baby Joseph’s parents at every turn.

So, like I said, it just goes to show what can be done when we all work together with God on our side.

We will continue to help Baby Joseph and his parents in any and every way. Only God knows how long he’ll live, based on his health challenges.

But this much is sure: while he does live, he will be cared for, because though there is such a thing as a worthless treatment, there’s no such thing as a worthless life.

As before, I also encourage you to forward this e-mail Alert to everyone on your e-mail address list. This really made a BIG difference in getting tens of thousands of people involved, and all it takes is a few keystrokes and clicks on your computer.

Thank you again for your time, your charity, and your love for the defenseless children among us -- born and unborn. We couldn’t have done this without you.


National Director,
Priests for Life

P.S. The father of baby Joseph, Moe Maraachli, is extremely grateful for all of your help. In a recent interview he said,  “I feel like my son was kidnapped and in jail, but now he has been set free.”

Go to http://www.youtube.com/frfrankpavone#p/u/3/PQ1S64rM8sc to see a
special thank you from baby Joseph’s father, Moe Maraachli.

Priests For Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone: 888-PFL-3448
Fax: 718-980-6515
Email: mail@priestsforlife.org

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