What's Inside ...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


We sit in the pews week after week ... sometimes wondering what's said and why such and such is happening. Sadly, some parishes are led by dioceses run by Bishops that have lost the definition of the 'INITIAL OBJECTIVE', which is to LEAD SOULS TO HEAVEN. Many today seem more interested in gaining the power, prestige, position and prosperity of the world rather than souls for the Lord. If your parish or diocese fits this description .. you can't just sit back sighing or pointing fingers or worse yet committing the sin of detraction by discussing your displeasure with others. Remember, if we have anything against a brother or sister we are to go to that member in CHARITY with COMPASSION ... if they won't listen, we go with ANOTHER ... and then the next in line of authority. The sad thing is that today, there's so many liberal and progressive parishes and dioceses that some may think they must go to ROME for an answer or to effect change at the parish level.
We are at a critical time in history ... world history, yes .. but I believe even moreso .... spiritual history. The world itself quakes and spews from sin and indifference towards God. God is merciful but also JUST and as such, as evidenced throughout the bible, He has chastised His people with natural disasters as well as other nations. Can we look around the world today and convince ourselves it's all coincidence? We need to pray and do penance. We need to KNOW our FAITH so we can strengthen others. We need to lovingly encourage our priests and clergy to stand straight and tall preaching the TRUTH that is Jesus. Souls are weighing in the balance ... and the scale is quivering in the process.
Meanwhile, we need to be sure that we as faithful laity are well versed in our Faith to strengthen one another and that we continue to pray fervently that the Holy Spirit fills our hearts and enkindles in us the FIRE OF HIS LOVE, that God's Will be done in our souls and on earth, as it is in heaven!

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