What's Inside ...

Monday, January 3, 2011

What's Happening in Arkansas?

I had to to blink when I read a report that said 1,000 birds fell from the sky just before midnight New Years Eve in Arkansas. I wasn't even going to write about this until more info and OTHER happenings were reported!

First thought that came to mind was that I didn't think birds flew at night ... they nested. And ONE THOUSAND, all the SAME KIND ... odd, very odd. Folks have had much speculation but the one possibility that keeps coming up is chemical testing. I know this is done because my paternal grandfather died from what was done in the NYC subways in the 1930's .. and they all said he was crazy ... loaded with cancer all of a sudden, but crazy. Low and behold, decades later, I think on the History channel, I caught the tail end of a show that documented that they actually were testing some chemical weapons in the NYC subway system ... and we thought it couldn't happen in America!
Well it seems there's a lot of goings on today that we thought "COULDN'T HAPPEN IN AMERICA" ... nope, not in a million years!  ... Um, right.

THEN, I had to do a real DOUBLE TAKE when I read just last night ... again in Arkansas, that there's a 20 mile stretch of shore on the Arkansas river where over 100,000 drum fish washed up dead. Now this morning, the birds have been increased to 5,000. The birds fell within a 1 mile radius and were more than 100 miles away from the fish incident. Gotta wonder about fault lines in Arkansas, huh?
What's REALLY going on here?!? Going to keep an ear to the ground on this one folks!  ... and pray even harder.


  1. I have a feeling that this is a sign of the coming of the apocalypse. Either that, or some sort of 4th dimensional occurrence that interfered with the 3rd dimension. Perhaps the government is doing some sort of testing, though, who knows, but it's definitely strange, very strange.

  2. Thanks for your visit and comment! What really gets ME is that even if it was some kind of chemical testing .. WHY and HOW did it only target RED WING BLACKBIRDS and DRUM FISH? Are they trying to be THAT specific to target only certain GROUPS? HOW in a mile radius did it only affect blackbirds and for a 20 mile stretch of shoreline, affect ONLY drum fish?!?!?! That's what has ME really scratching my head!
    But I think we'll be seeing more and more strange things in the days to come .. that's pretty much what the handwriting on the wall is saying to most folks these days ... EVEN the unbelievers.
    God bless!

  3. This is very strange. I don't know what's going on lately but we should certainly pay attention! Thanks for telling us about it.

  4. Thanks for visiting and commenting! Well, you are in a small group that are taking this a bit more seriously than the majority of the population. Many folks are totally disregarding this or laughing it off without a second thought. I think a few more rosaries are in order from each of us daily. The time for fence sitting has come to an end. TRUST AND PRAY!!
    God bless!
