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Monday, January 17, 2011

Join THOUSANDS in 54 Day Novena beginning JAN 23rd 2011

Please exercise discernment as with all private revelations particularly those not yet approved by Holy Mother Church. With that in mind, please consider joining THOUSANDS in this most important 54 day novena begging January 23, 2011. We need to beg grace for the soon coming transition:
"It should be understood, therefore, that Our Lady’s importance in coming is not realized by most, even in the lives of Medjugorje followers. As difficult as life is here, as Mirjana stated in the apparition today to Our Lady, referring to “our sufferings and crosses,” our life is going to undergo a radical change compared to the present culture. Life is about to be transformed to put people on the path of God’s family, a path of peace, yet it will be extremely difficult for those upon the earth. It will be a very difficult transition. Many will have woeful, bitter regrets and great remorse for what they could have done in the time of grace, but did not. Life, as we know it, will change in a blink of an eye. Nothing will be the same upon the earth. Everything will be different."

Please read more here: http://www.medjugorje.com/medjugorje-today/headlines/997-the-good-or-the-evil.html

Instructions for 54-Day Rosary Novena 
This Novena -- actually one cycle of three 9-Day Novenas followed by another cycle of three 9-Day Novenas -- (3 Novenas)X(9 days each)=27 days; (27 days)X(2 cycles)=54 days -- is said to be especially efficacious. It has its origins in a private relevation granted in 1884 to the family of Fortuna Agrelli, a girl who was so seriously ill that her doctors had given up on her. She and her family began praying the Rosary, and saw a vision of Our Lady, sitting on a throne and holding the Christ Child, with a Rosary in her hands, and accompanied by SS Dominic and Catherine of Siena. Fortuna addressed Our Lady: "Queen of the Holy Rosary, be gracious to me, restore me to health! I have already prayed to Thee in a novena, O Mary, but have not yet experienced Thy aid. I am so anxious to be cured!"
Our Lady is said to have replied: "Child, you have invoked me by various titles and have always obtained favors from me. Now, since you have called Me by that title so pleasing to me, ‘Queen of the Holy Rosary’, I can no longer refuse the favor you petition; for this name is most precious and dear to me. Make three novenas, and you shall obtain all."
The Queen of the Holy Rosary is said to have appeared again, saying: "Whoever desires to obtain favors from me should make three novenas of the prayers of the Rosary, and three novenas in thanksgiving."
Pray the Rosary (5 decades) once a day for 27 days in the spirit of petition, with your intentions in mind.
Then pray the Rosary (5 decades) once a day for 27 days in the spirit of thanksgiving -- whether you believe your petitions have been granted or not.
Start the entire cycle with the Joyful Mysteries first, the Sorrowful Mysteries second, and ending with the Glorious Mysteries.


  1. Thank you for posting this, Battlebeads. I will mark down the date to begin the novena.

  2. wonderful! please tell all you know and thanks for your visit and comments! :)

  3. Please do not link to Medjugorje com of "Friend of Medjugorje" / Caritas of Birmingham on your website. The organisation is considered to be a cult, the priests of Medjugorje parish warned against them as well as EWTN.

    Please read information about them at:




  4. Thanks for your visit and comment. I am well aware that the above mentioned apparition is not approved by the Church. However, Any time the rosary is said fervently can't be a bad thing :)
    I was just pondering over what was said some decades back that the smoke of satan had entered the Vatican. I know that it's been infiltrated for many decades now as evidenced by the true story: AA-1025 by Marie Curie. SO .. I wonder how many of satans agents are in the office that discerns and approves such things and how they might try to sway folks FROM the Truth? There were several apparitions that stated that the devil would infiltrate the Vatican .. I would guess that would be something he wouldn't want publicized, yanno? So, only God knows the Truth on things and we will all know soon enough. I personally do not put my money on anything NOT approved by Holy Mother Church, but until such time that she specifically states that something is definitely NOT SUPERNATURAL and I don't see dogma trashed, I will not judge. But it is always good to be discerning regarding such matters and I thank you for taking the time to provide the documentation above. God bless! :)

  5. Additionally, this article was more to promote prayer than the Caritas site. There are many groups promoting Medjugorje ... this particular one I happened to catch because of the 54 day rosary request. But it was for the Rosary itself, not the organization :)
