What's Inside ...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fr. Bozada – The End of Time and the Reign of Peace

My Dear People,
Don’t Be Confused With The End of Time and the End of All Time

“See that you are not deceived…” is the admonition given in the Gospel this week. The question was posed to Jesus, when will the end of time occur? Jesus tell His Disciples signs will take place before the “end of time”. This is not to be confused with the end of the world, or the end of all time. Jesus states, “there will be wars and rumors of wars, and many nations will be at odds with each other.” A false Messiah will appear on the scene saying that he is the one the nations have longed for. Earthquakes, famines, plaques, and awesome sights will take place. It will be a time of great turmoil. Christians will be hated, jailed, and persecuted all on behalf of the Holy Name.

“Do not be afraid, Jesus, tells us, for the Holy Spirit will speak through us at that time.” All of this must take place in order for the reign of peace to take place. So we are not to be depressed or sad when these things happen. Stand up straight and look toward the Heavens for the Lord. He has conquered sin and death. “Maranatha” Come Lord Jesus Come.


It has been the glorious tradition of the Catholic Church to pray for the dead, particularly our own family members. We know that we all sin. We lack perfect contrition for our sin. And so, when we die, everyone with the exception of Our Blessed Mother, carries the stain of sin into eternity. There are no shadows in Heaven, because we are immersed in the Light and Beauty of God. God the Father is merciful. We have the opportunity to have “burned” from our souls, any remaining stain of sin. Purgatory is God’s merciful gift to us.
Poor souls found there cannot sin nor pray for themselves. That’s where we come into the picture. Our prayers, masses, rosaries, novenas, indulgences, and sacrifices are what “lift up” the poor souls in Purgatory. PLEASE, please remember to pray and sacrifice daily for the deceased members of your family. Your “prayer relief” is the greatest treasure they can receive in their state of being purified. We pray each month at the poor souls mass, for all of your prayer intentions. Please make praying for the dead, a daily habit in your life. When you and I find ourselves in Purgatory, after our own death, it is then that we will thank God for all the prayers we will receive on our behalf.

May we always be eager to pray for the repose of the poor souls in purgatory.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark Bozada

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