What's Inside ...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Phenominal Actual Video of Stigmata in Progress

For your discernment ... remember, even after Church approval, the faithful are not obligated to believe the apparition, locution or any other private revelation. We must always be careful to focus on the MESSAGE and not the messenger and test all things according to Scripture and Tradition!

Here's a link regarding how we should be disposed to assist at Holy Mass ... REALLY WORTH READING!


  1. A friend just recently emailed me about this woman, whom I did not know of. She seems like such a gentle and humble soul.

  2. Yes she does ... funny, it's been happening to me too that I see something and then either see it again or keep seeing it. It's almost like we're meant to know of certain things. I recently saw a video on John Paul II .. his life, up to the time he was made Pope and it touched me so deeply. It stayed with me for a few days as if I was with him and personally knew him. A short time later I learn that my Pastor is sending me a pectoral cross that was blessed by JPII himself, when my Pastor met him in Rome! Just gotta smile and be SO thankful ... who are we that HE is mindful of us? :)
