What's Inside ...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Catholic Charities to Honor Obamacare Abortion Sellouts

2010 August 30

Holy Facepalm! What’s this??? Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) has announced that the Catholic Health Association (CHA), which sold out to the Obama Administration on pro-abortion Cabinet picks and taxpayer funded abortion in Obamacare, will receive CCUSA’s Centennial Medal in September.  A medal??? For blatant disobedience???

With the honor, CCUSA seems to be giving a stamp of approval to CHA‘s defiance of the bishops on the abortion issue. It’s the latest in a long line of examples of American Catholic organizations showing that they don’t give a rip about helping to lead souls to heaven provided that no one has to suffer from poverty or a lack of healthcare while here on earth. Considering the leadership at CCUSA, it’s not really a shock to hear that they’re honoring CHA with a medal.
Bishop Michael P. Driscoll, the Episcopal Liaison for CCUSA, is also a member of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).  The CCHD has come under fire recently for supporting organizations that promote abortion and other activities not in keeping with the teachings of the Catholic Church. While Bishop Driscoll has issued statements condemning activities which promote abortion, he is one of the prime persons under whose watch abuses at CCHD continue to occur.
Donna Markham, O.P., Chairperson of CCUSA‘s Board of Trustees, has served as a National Chairperson for the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, a group that exists primarily as an organization of dissent against the Catholic bishops on even the most basic teachings.
Brian Corbin, Secretary of CCUSA‘s Board of Trustees, was actually once the Director of Pro-Life Activities for the Diocese of Youngstown.
That was, literally, to be the chief advocate for the church, to engage people in defense of human dignity and human rights—looking at the issues around abortion, patient-assisted suicide and euthanasia, and explaining the church’s position to the community and anyone who wanted to listen.
At the same time, Corbin worked with CCHD to develop community organizing, but he abandoned pro-life ministry to devote himself full-time to economic justice.
Catholic philosopher G.K. Chesterton once wrote, “Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.” While dissent may have become “fashionable” at the highest levels in America’s Catholic Church, these fallacies of the Catholic Left are manifest to the faithful in the pews and to the Vatican as well. With Pope Benedict XVI speaking out against Marxist activities, pointing out “Marx’s fundamental error“, and stating that we cannot put our faith in the creation of institutions to bring about the common good, America’s Catholic faithful, who are disgusted by such things as Catholic Charitieshonoring of the Catholic Health Association, have a friend in the Holy See. At the same time, since it is rare that a Pope addresses specific individuals and organizations by name, it will continue to be primarily up to the faithful in America’s pews and pulpits to defend against blatant dissent in the Catholic Church.

It's not all IN A NAME .. just because something SAYS "CATHOLIC" doesn't mean that it IS Catholic as Lisa plainly shows. And it's even MORE of a SHAME that most Catholics don't have a clue about this stuff ... not to mention Doctrine, Tradition and the Tenants of the Faith. It's clear to see why someone has to point this stuff out and thank God for Lisa and those like her ... please keep her in your prayers.
If you want more of Lisa's wit and wisdom, click her name above or find her on Facebook and Twitter.

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