What's Inside ...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


AN OVERVIEW ... excerpt from CatholicCity.com
One could say we have failed to convert everyone on earth to Catholicism over the centuries because Catholics have not been, in general, holy enough. To narrow our scope, we have not converted America to Catholicism because the majority (over sixty percent in most dioceses) of baptized Catholics do not practice their faith in any meaningful way. Additionally, the vast majority of the minority who do attend Mass on Sunday either do not know the teachings of the Church or reject poorly presented versions of those teachings. As a litmus test, well over ninety percent of married Catholics reject Our Lord's teachings on openness to life by using contraception.

Additionally, we have suffered through almost three generations of bishops who apparently were either liberal in belief, were luke warm in fervor, or were reckless in preventing homosexuality and sexual abuse to flourish under their watch (although most were seemingly decent men or able administrators). We were once told in private by the head of an international religious congregation that the situation with American bishops was so dire that a majority would have voted for schism in the 1980s. As go the bishops, so went the priests. Many of our most faithful young men were driven out of the liberal seminaries. The long reign of Pope John Paul II, under whom most of the worst bishops either retired or were replaced, apparently brought us back from the edge of de facto schism.

The result, in 2010, is that less than five percent of baptized Catholics in the U.S. and Canada believe and practice what the Church teaches as the Church herself magisterially defines those teachings.

If you are reading this, you are part of the minority of the minority. Only true believers actually care about the souls of the people in their circle of influence, and thus, only true believers evangelize. Therefore, your actions are extraordinarily important for the salvation of souls of others. Yes, only God's grace saves souls. Jesus started with two people: His mom and dad. Later, twelve apostles. 
Now, He has you. 
You matter.

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