What's Inside ...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Who's Land does GOD say it is?

It goes beyond my comprehension how one group can demand something from another group when they have no right to it. Is not Israel the ONLY nation in the world that had its borders drawn out by GOD HIMSELF? So, tell me ... where is the problem with this? I know, it all reverts back to Abraham and Sarah and 'the boys'. Certainly Abraham's seed was multiplied as the stars in the skies and the sands of the shore ... and until Jesus returns, there will be no peace between them :-(
What are we looking at in the near future?
Peace talks seem to be getting closer and closer ... (keep an eye out for the guy that finally gets 'em to sign on the dotted line!)
Iran has spoken the prophetic words from the Bible about Israel's name being no more remembered and wiping the Jews from the face of the earth.
All 3 major religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) all expecting their respective Messiah's in the not so distant future.
We certainly have the wars and rumors of wars along with most if not all the other signs of which Matthew 24 speaks.
More than anything else, we've really begun to see good being called EVIL and evil being called GOOD.
WE NEED TO PRAY AS NEVER BEFORE! Don't leave it up to someone else .... we all need to storm heaven, do penance and forgive each other. Not sweating the small stuff has taken on a new meaning ..... don't hold on to grudges ... do what's REALLY important .... PRAY for each other and the WORLD!

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